Look At Me, The Immature Teenager!

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I hope you guys missed me as much as I missed you? :( I'm sorry that it's been so long, I guess school really has gotten the better of me. Please don't be mad that it's short! But here it is, nonetheless:

Shortly after an amazing breakfast at a pub, Drew got us some dust and we went back to the “Human Dimension”. Calling it that was odd, because I had honestly never thought of there being any other dimensions.

I didn’t go straight back to the condo when we arrived. Not due to fear of my parents, but fear of Kathy. That is, if we were still speaking. She had been acting odd to me since she started talking to Robbie.

Drew bought me some time, obviously feeling my apprehension on returning to the condo. But eventually the chicken has to return to the coop, right?  As soon as I walk through the door, my mother and father appear in front of me with faces full of anger. My mother’s pursed lips show just how angry she is; that’s her angry face. Angry, squinted eyes, pursed lips, and arms crossed firmly over her chest. Dad’s angry face, however, is only portrayed through his eyes as he glares daggers at me.

I make to go to my room before a throat is cleared in a very loud and attention-grabbing manner. “Yes?” I question as I turn to face them.

“Where were you last night?” My mother asks, bluntly. She never was one to beat around the bush.

My first thought was Why had I been so eager to get home last night?

“At Drew’s.” I reply, incapable of telling them the real place. Not like they would believe that anyways.

“Oh really?” My mom begins to unleash her wrath of fury upon me. “You think you can just do whatever you want whenever you want? Did you ever think to tell us? No! You’re a big untouchable seventeen year old who thinks she knows everything! Well, have I got news for you! You’re seventeen! Your hormones are probably raging!  But that doesn’t mean you can spend the night at your boyfriend’s house and have sex-galore! You haven’t even known the guy for a week! He could have STD’s and-”

“Mom!” I cut her off, “We didn’t do anything like that! We lost track of time while we were talking,” I put emphasis on ‘talking’, “And figured y’all were already asleep so I couldn’t call you! And I didn’t want to risk getting hit by a drunk driver on my way back through this unknown city, so I slept in the guest room while he was in his own room across the hall. I got breakfast this morning, then came straight back, and we did absolutely nothing.”

“I don’t care. You should have called us. And since you didn’t, I forbid you from seeing that boy, and you are grounded for the next two days.” I couldn’t fight him. My dad was one of those calm, make-you-feel-small-and-pathetic type people who never raised their voices, and quite frankly, I was more afraid of that than any yelling fights I held with my mother.

I stalk out of the room and to my ‘bedroom’, careful not to slam the door. That would just tick them off even more. As I realize my punishment, I want to cry. And even more so when they come up and take away all of my electronics, telling me I have to remain in my room. Wonderful.

By four p.m. I had taken two short naps, cleaned my room (again), wrote three crappy poems, and tried reading a book. Nothing quenched my ache for fun, however, and it was only a matter of time before I started wallowing in my sorrow and pulling my hair out.

Time drags on, and Jasmine enters my room. “Hey sis.” I say, forcing a smile.

“Perk up a little, you should be happy with this news!” This gains my whole attention as I urge her to continue, “I got you off the hook, go out and have fun or something! Some hot dude just brought your car by, so it shouldn’t be too hard to think of something fun!”

I thank her multiple times before sprinting out of the room and to the door, where Robbie stands, holding my keys. I reach for them and he taunts me, raising them above his head to the point that I can’t reach. “Please give me my keys?” I am practically begging.

“Give me a lift home?” He asks politely. I nod my head as I yank the keys away from him.

My car is shining in the sunlight, the rims prettier than ever, a brand new candy apple red paint covering the body. My rare, extremely expensive Saab Aero-X is a one of a kind sports car that I won in a raffle. Yes, I, Sadie Belle Faeth Millicent actually won something in a raffle, and I didn’t cheat!

I never win anything. And so this car became my baby, my prize possession… which is why I went into shock whenever I discovered it trashed at Robbie’s party. I was so distraught over my car that I went off, talking nonsense about Drew being some stalker/rapist person!

I open the canopy of the car and we both hop in. I am delayed a moment as I take in my car and it’s beauty… oh, how I missed this feeling!

Robbie ruins the moment easily, by saying, “Wow, you look hot sitting in this car.”

Must he hit on me every moment?

The rest of the car ride to his house, he was flirting with me. That is, when he wasn’t giving me directions. But honestly! He’s dating my best friend and yet he still flirts with me? Moronic, that’s the only word to describe him.

The directions he gave me were to a completely different one than where the party had been, but I didn’t stick around to marvel at its beauty. I text Drew to have him meet me somewhere so I could get more information about the kingdom of Amadee, and he sends me directions to a restaurant.

“Over here!” Drew whisper-shouts as he waves his hands like a maniac to catch my attention. I chuckle as I make my way to the table he is sitting at.

“Hi,” I say, my cheeks warming as he takes in my appearance.

“Hello! So, what’s up?” He asks, smiling brightly.

Leaning closer, I whisper to him, “I want to know more about Amadee.”

He doesn’t look shocked as he leans back in his chair, locking his hands behind his head. “Well, what more is there to know?”

“Why did you come here?” I ask.

“Didn’t I answer this yesterday? The king sent me here on a mission.”

Is it just me, or does he seem slightly irritated with that question?

I don’t know what else to ask. It seems as though there is so much for me to discover, yet I can’t put it into words. I inform Drew of this problem.

“Well,” he responds, “I guess the only way to answer this is to show you.”


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2011 ⏰

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