Ch. 2 There's No Such Thing As Too Much Fun

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     Hey! The new name of the main character is Sadie-Belle Faeth Millicent. Just figured I'd let ya know haha :)

      I wake up to water hitting my face. Groggily, I open my eyes to find where the disturbance had come from and discover the balcony door open, allowing the first few droplets from the storm to enter. I roll off the side of the bed, stumbling onto the sleeping body of Kathy.

     Kathy is one of those people that will sleepwalk and not even know she did it and no amount of screaming and noisemaking will wake her up. Thankfully, she's very, very tiny, so I easily scoop her up into my arms. Throwing her onto the bed was a bit more difficult, being asleep and not so strong, but I manage. Finally, I am able to shut the door, just as the torrential rain hits the condo. 

      As it pitter-patters on the roof, finding sleep is impossible. My only solitude is going to the kitchen and getting a bowl of Frosted Flakes to munch on while watching Peter Pan.

      "Tinker Bell always was my favorite character." my father says as he sits beside me with his own bowl of cereal.

      "Mine too." I reply before taking another bite.

      "Storm keepin' ya up?" I nod my head. "Like father, like daughter." He chuckles lightly.

      I laugh at the screen as Wendy meets the Lost Boys.

      "We're getting your car fixed... somehow we got lucky and there was this really nice guy and he volunteered to pay for it. His name was Warren Amell, really nice guy."

      "We'll have to send him a nice thank you card." I mumble, realizing it was Robbie’s dad.

      "So, what are your plans for today, hun?" He asks as he looks at the clock. Lovely, it's only 3:30 AM.

      "Oh, I don't guess I have any." I reply as I take my bowl and put it in the sink.

      "Well," he begins as I sit back down, "What if I give you a couple hundred bucks and you can take Kathy shopping?"

      "Or Kathy can pay for lots of shopping since you guys paid for Kathy's way down here." Kathy says as she plops down beside me.

      "No, it's my-"

      Kathy cuts Dad off, "Mr. Millicent, it would be an honor to take your daughter shopping. Actually, my parents gave me the company credit card and told me to do exactly that."

      Dad has a baffled expression on his face, "Well, I suppose... okay, y'all can do that. But on one condition." We wait expectantly. "Just call me Bill already!"

      Hours later, Kathy and I take our rental car out into town. We were actually wide awake, having fallen asleep during Peter Pan, and howling the lyrics to Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. Sometimes I believed that it was Kathy's theme song, but I wouldn't tell her that.

      The storm rages on, thunder booming, lightning cracking, and the sound of rain as it hit the windshield. It was only now that I regret letting Kathy drive; she was one of those people who always seems to believe they are above the law and no speed limit can restrain them. That mall could not get here fast enough. When we finally got inside, the amount of people surprised me: it was nearly empty. What else could people be doing?

      I find a cute dress in the first store we went into, and decided to try it on. My only mistake is coming out of the dressing room to show it to Kathy.

      "Wow that looks really amazing on you." A man's voice says. And there to my right was the one, the only, Andrew Faron Chevalier. I should have remembered to  Google him.

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