Burning Star

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For Yen

Run darling
Run away from those who try to ensnare you and taunt you
Don't let them get to you
Break free from those chains of broken hopes
And pent up frustrations
Don't let them get the better of you
They're strong, but honey
You're stronger
Shine - even in the darkest times
Like the unfathomable burning stars that dot the black sky
Bloom like the water lily
Bloom for yourself
Don't bloom for them
Don't put your happiness in their hands
They'll drop it (all the time)
Bloom for yourself, bloom for you
You are beautiful
Don't let disillusions cloud your senses
Find the true light, it's already there
You have a world out there to conquer
And I know you will
I know you will burn brighter than the Sun
I know your supernova will touch and burn even the coldest of hearts and light up the darkest corners of the earth
I know you will conquer the world.

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