dawn will always come

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For Yong, even though you may not believe me.

Flaws form your body, but your goodness glistens in every nook and cranny of your heart. Some people don't see it. Maybe it's a trick of light. And then there are those who don't want to see it.

But those people do not matter, they are like rust on a dagger - it may be tough getting them out, but in the end when they're gone, you'll shine in your own brilliance - one you did not know you were capable of.

You have to know this - there are people who want to trip you up, who think they're better than you. Do not indulge them in their efforts to make you feel small and worthless. Do not let them dictate who you are. Do not give them the power to do that.

You must also know this - that there are people who care for you. Who do not wish to see you down or disappointed in yourself. There are people who want to see you glow. There are people who appreciate you. Trust me on this.

I pray that you'll be strong, despite the storms that will wage in your life. Be brave and never lose hope.

Dawn will always come.

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