And so the journey begins.

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I’ve been through so many changes in my time here, my strength, my senses and frankly my entire attitude to life. I used to be the girl who wished for adventure, who just hoped that someday something exciting would happen in her life –now if I’m honest there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to be curled up on the sofa with my mom, safe from the outside world.

But I can’t say I don’t like my new life. I have spent every day and most nights training either my physical body or my powers and its weird seeing all these muscles pop up that I didn’t have before. My powers have come along immensely although we went through a bit of a terror alert after the night my father infiltrated my dreams.

From what the bellatores gildam members can gather my father was growing impatient with me, he had probably planned to be ruling with me by now – I guess he didn’t account for sheer will power and the help of the bellatores gildam. But that night he showed how powerful he could be, not just any demon could just go walking into someone’s dreams and bring hundreds of the little demons with him. They say that he was trying to bring out the demon in me; I guess he thought if he could get me to use enough of my demonic powers in my dream that my actual demon may become more dominant in my reality. The week after I had to go through a demon detox and I can safely say I never ever want to do it again.

In theory when my father grabbed me in my dream he should have been able to pull me in and keep me there until I was too weak to fight him, just like what he did with my mother to get her pregnant.

But luckily for me fate has other plans for me. Whenever my father made contact with my arm it burned me but repelled him – apparently this is because to extreme powers met and repelled each other. This being the light and goodness that my mother had given me and my family’s magic repelling against the great evil of my father.  I guess my mom is still looking out for me in my dreams.

But I should bring you up to speed now, it’s been about four months since that night and I am currently on my way to meet with some of the team to see what our next move is. They haven’t told me much; they said to focus on training and not about the details at the minute – which suits me down to the ground, the less I have to hear about demons the better. But I guess all good things come to an end and I have to face the facts.

Right now I’m walking down one of the many hallways in this place, it’s a lot bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside and it looks pretty big.

I stop suddenly when I hear something, breathing  and its heavy, I can hear two heart beats as well and their quite quick. I know what this is – or should I say who. Slowly I creep around the next corner silently – in front of me stands Rob and Cas intertwined and kissing. I can’t help the huge grin that comes over my face as I creep closer still unnoticed.

“Surprise!” I yell causing them to jump apart in a panic. I hold my sides while I laugh at their reaction. They stand about a meter apart out of breath.

“Jesus Christ Clara, we need to get you a freaken bell so you can’t do that! I swear I almost pee’d my pants” Cas scolds.

“would have been wet any way” Rob mutters under his breath probably not realising I can hear him. His face turns sour quickly when I start laughing uncontrollably at him. Cas gives us the look of confusion tilting her head to the side.

“what’s so funny?” she asks raising her eyebrow but I’m laughing so hard I can feel tears trickling down my face.

“eh nothing I guess she’s just been hit on the head to many times” Rob intervenes.

“is it about us?” she asks me “cause don’t think we don’t know that you have been sneaking off with Dimitri and doing that and more!” she accuses, which is actually true, except the more part, at the moment Dimitri hasn’t tried to make a move, which is kind of disappointing but I know he’s going to do it at some point but trust me he has no problem showing me how bad he wants me.

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