Could my luck be changing?

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Glancing down at my hands I realise how wrinkly my fingertips are. Geez how long was that story? But poor Dimitri, he’s had such a hard run at things, yet his still such an amazing person.

I quickly dunk my head under the still warm water and quickly rinse off. When I step out of the bath I see that on the sink Dimitri had left clothes and my makeup bag next to a hair dryer on an extension lead plugged in at the hall I’m assuming.

I guess he doesn’t want a repeat of earlier. I smile and get ready quickly as I can smell something wafting from the kitchen.

As the smell reaches my nose my stomach lets out one hell of a roar. Damn how long has it been since I ate anything, like two days!

Ha why can’t demons attack when I’m on a diet, I may actually stick to it then. When I’m done with my make-up I slip on the jeans and the black vest top and the black jacket over the top. As soon as I set foot out of the bathroom Dimitri is standing at the top of the hall looking down at me with a grin.

“You look better” he says happily

“What you don’t like the psychotic, blood stained look?” I joke trying to make the best of a bad situation. Dimitri laughs, he really does look hot when he smiles, but to be fair he looks hot all of the time.

“I’m sure you’re hungry, I made your mom’s soup, and I sort of picked up the recipe while I was getting your stuff” he says, and I think I love this guy, if it tastes as good as it smells I may never leave.

“Aw you are too sweet” I smile and go to hug him but as I do I hear a faint ringing from the bedroom. I look up at him and he nods towards the room giving me a look of approval to go get the phone. I don’t know why I needed his approval but it just feels safer when I know he thinks it’s safe. To be honest I’m sick of things popping up when I least expect it.

Darting into the room I dive at the phone because the person is bound to hang up soon.

“Hello!” I say franticly not checking who it is.

“Clara!” my mother shouts, why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to be a relaxing phone call?

“Clara! What the hell is going on! You aunty says the house is in ruins and you are nowhere to be found! Clara please tells me what’s happened!” she pleads. Damn I forgot about the house.

“Mom I don’t think you will believe me” I need to think of a way to explain this without sounding crazy.

“Demons?” her voice was hollow and full of fear. That word sent shivers down my spine. Wait! There is no way my mom just said that! Great so now she’s in on this too!

“Mom, how could you possibly know that?” I say in utter disbelief. I hear her sigh on the other end of the phone.

“I had hoped this day would never come” I heard her mutter

“Mom! Tell me what’s going on!” I demand but it seems to go un-noticed

“If you’re not at Cas’s house then are you with him?” she asks vaguely

Demon in me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora