The course of love never did run smooth

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“Dimitri…” I moan pressing my hands firmly against his chest. He removes his lips from the vein on my neck and moves to kiss my lips. Using all the restraint I have I bring my finger to his lips.

“Dimitri, I can’t do this until you give me an answer” the lust in his eyes suddenly fades to frustration. “please” I beg to him with tears welling in the back of my eyes.

“Clara” his voice riddled with pain, he raises a hand to cup my cheek softly.

“just tell me” pleading I place another light kiss on his lips which seems to break him. He moves swiftly off me and before I can stop him he is already opening the door. With the door ajar Dimitri turns to me, almost in tears.

“It’s complicated” with that he walks out closing the door.

“UGH! I give up” I yell falling back on the bed. Well I guess that is my answer. He doesn’t want to be with me enough to tell me. Geez, when did I become such a girl about this? I guess this is just the way things are supposed to be, maybe I should be concentrating on all the horrors I’m going to have to face and not who my next boyfriend will be. Even though that seems like the best plan of action, I can’t help but still feel a little wounded.

How could he just walk out on me like that with an ‘it’s complicated’. If it’s so complicated then why did he even bother? He has to feel something for me, right? Or was he just alone so long that he just needed some. No, Dimitri wouldn’t do that, he has to have his reasons.

My thoughts are interrupted by a faint knock on the door.

“um, come in” I say more like a question. Slowly the door swings open. Juliet’s shiny blonde hair falls down into her face which is now peeking round the door.

“Hey, um I don’t know what just happened but, can I come in” she asks

“Sure, Juliet comes on in” happily she skips in closing the door as she does. She crawls up onto the bed next to me. She lies on her side with her head on her arm. She gazes at me with her big green eyes.

“so are you gunna tell me about it or do I have to ask?” she says gently.

“I don’t know what there is to tell” I sigh “I mean, you know Dimitri well, right?”

“Better than most” she says with a steady posh voice. This again confuses me as to her origin now she sounds almost British. “And you’re wondering why he can’t admit how he feels about you?” she adds

“How did you know that?”

“There are very few things people can hide from me, I have a sort of gift that I can just tell” she smiles “although I do try to respect boundaries, look sweetie, Dimitri probably told you that story about his past right?”

“Yea about his parents and being trained as a demon then he became an angle” I answer

“Yea but that is the seriously stripped down version, you see the thing with Dimitri is when he first left the ranks of the demons they weren’t too happy to lose someone with that kind of power and information so they came after him. He was sent into hiding for a while until he learned to control the angle powers. So he lived with a few people, and well he sort of fell in love with the idea of having a real family, but with our kind that’s not really an option” she pauses. “Look Clara this is something he needs to tell you himself, but take solace in the fact that he really does care about you, he’s just a typical guy”

“Well at least I know that now” I smile back at her.

“Well look in the meantime why don’t I show you how the room works?” Juliet offers, I twist my face to give her a confused look.

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