When Destiny unfolds

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 Okay guys this is probably the longest chapter i have ever written! Will the first person who reads the entire thing please comment or vote just so i know you're alive?? lol well enjoy xox A.J



Clara’s POV

After about fifteen minutes of getting ready I walk out to the living room to find Dimitri already waiting on me.

“You took your time!” he joked

“Hey I’m ready with five minutes to spare!” I smile,

“Well shall we get going?” he asks gesturing towards the balcony door.

“Alrighty” I follow him out on to the balcony, the sun is fully up now and the pink had faded into clear blue. I hear the door click shut and I turn to face Dimitri while I stretch my arms above my head.

“Well what’s the plan then?” I ask but instead of answering Dimitri just dives at me. Quickly I lean out of the way in addition to watching Dimitri stumble past me.

“Ha, is that all you got?” I joke to him as he regains his balance.

“Nope I just wanted to see if you were still on your toes or was this morning just beginner’s luck” he smiles

“Nope I’m just that good” I gloat. He just shakes his head with a smile in his face. Now we stand about four meters apart facing one and other.

“Okay then, the first thing you should probably know is how to dodge! The best way to take a hit is to not be there when it lands!” I just nod while I try and determine what he is about to do.

“You’re fast so this shouldn’t be hard” he grins before lunging at me throwing a series of blows. Letting the instincts take over I move so that he misses every shot, but just barely.

As he continues to throw punches I start getting swifter and further away from him. Letting the instinct play on my mind I begin to feel a little more confident and daring. Dimitri goes in for one more hit but this time when I dodge it I turn back around quickly and try and land a blow on him.

He catches my fist with one hand and twists it round so I fall into him with my back against his chest.

“Don’t get cocky! I know you’re letting your instincts lead you but you’re instincts are messy, you have to learn to control them, use your brain as well as your heart” and with that he pushes me forward.

I stumble for a few steps but quickly find my centre again.

“Alright I think we have established I can dodge a blow now can we move on to some real fighting?” I ask jumping on the spot with my fists up. Dimitri raises an eyebrow at me and shakes his head.

“Someone’s eager, but no, most demons you come across won’t use their fists, most use weapons or demonic powers” as he says this he walks straight past me to the far wall were there are two large bamboo poles that I hadn’t noticed. He grabs one in each hand and tosses one to me which I catch with no bother.

“Okay now without attacking me I want you to either block or dodge my attacks” his face was straight but I can see a glimpse of enjoyment in his eyes.

“Are you only doing this because you’re afraid of me hitting you?” I ask raising an eyebrow. He laughs then ready’s he to lunge at me again.

Demon in me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora