Chapter 1

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Pandora Mech

By: R.A. Hobbs

Copyright © 2013 R.A. Hobbs

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the author. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter One

Christopher Peeler burst into the quiet control room, threw his wet jacket on the nearest chair, and missed.  He kept walking, ignoring the soggy crumple of his coat and pulled up a chair next to Henry Thorpe, his boss, who was busily typing away at his computer.

"You going to pick that up?"  Thorpe asked, not bothering to look up from the monitor.

Peeler thought of how tired he was and said, "No, I don't think so."

"You're wet." 

"It's raining."

"You're leaving puddles on my cheap vinyl flooring."

"I noticed," Peeler said, glancing at his trail of wet boot prints he had left when he walked in.  "So, any luck with that Fred kid?"

Thorpe shrugged, glancing over his shoulder at a young man sitting in a sound booth with a game controller in his hand, scrunched towards a monitor.  "He's okay."

"Okay?  But we hate okay."

"Take a look." 

Peeler looked back at the young man, whose belly always seemed to be peeking out from beneath an orange shirt two sizes too small for him. From the mech operator booth, he caught Peeler’s glance and gave an awkward nod, hello.

Peeler raised an eyebrow at Thorpe, "So what's the deal with him?  He's kinda weird."

"I know, but I'm having trouble finding operators. It was hard enough finding you."

"I'm amazing."

Thorpe said nothing, and the way the monitor light was reflecting off Thorp's glasses, Peeler assumed he was rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, the kid beat your time."

Peeler sat up, "He what?”

"Take a look for yourself."  Thorpe turned the monitor in Peelers direction. 

Peeler wrinkled his nose.  "You know I can't read those things."

"Then take my word for it." 

"How'd he do it?" 

"By doing it over and over again until he beat your time.  Basically, figuring out the obstacles and finding the quickest routes.  He was very methodical."

"Ha, I still won.  I did that time on my first try."  Peeler kicked up his feet and planted them on the desk.

Thorpe stared at him, his glasses reflecting an emotionless glare.  Peeler ignored his wordless protest.  If he didn't like it he should have said something.  Peeler never could respect a person who didn't challenge him. "Guess what I did last night."


"You know that five foot barrier that no one has been able to jump?"

Thorpe shook his head doubtfully, “Impossible.”

Pandora MechOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora