Chapter 3

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Pandora Mech

Chapter Three

By R.A. Hobbs

Teak and Pepe entered the Tournament arena and could finally breathe. The crowed they had been sardined with dispersed into the large exhibition space where the competitions were held.  Lining the perimeter of the exhibition hall were sponsor booths and vendors handing out everything from free samples of colognes and gum, to snack foods and gaming equipment.  Pepe looked longingly at the Snack Pops booth, which was handing out free sample of hot micro waved cheese and pepperoni balls wrapped in pizza dough.

"Not until I find out where the FFA’s are being held," Teak said, noticing where her cousin Pepe was looking.  "I don't want to be late like last time." 

"Aww, man.  You still won, though!"

"I don't like the extra stress."

"Alright."  Pepe looked very sad.

Teak spotted where the FFA’s gaming stations were held and where other competitors had already started warming up.  Teak wanted to warm up too, but she hadn't eaten since they got off the plane, and she needed the fuel.

  She grabbed Pepe and started pulling him towards the Snack Pop’s booth, "Come on, let's hurry, though." 

Unfortunately, the line was long, and they barely got their free samples before the announcements were made for players to take their stations.

"Damn it!  See!  Late again!"  she said, stuffing the last bite of Snack Pops into her mouth before racing off to the gaming stations.

"Wait up, girl!  You know I can't run fast!"  Pepe said, his six foot six heavy frame lumbering after her and panting heavily.

Teak barely got to her gaming station in time.  She frantically plugged in her controller and headset right before the beginning of the match, and pulled out her ear buds and stuffed them under her gaming headphones just as the game started.

The countdown clock beeped in her headset and she took a deep breath.  She didn't know what map the game was being played on when she plugged in, but as the screen brightened into a purple alien looking hallway, she knew she was on 'Testament', a map famous for its frenetically fast paced game play. 

She spawned on the lower level, which happened to be the worst place to start the game.  As soon as she could she began to make her way to the top of the map as fast as she could to gain higher ground. 

A grenade clunked at her feet and exploded, taking down her player shields, followed by a quick burst of rifle-fire to take her down and send her into black screen.  The timer counted down to five once more, and she hoped for a spawn on a higher level.

Luckily for her, she got it. 

Looking down she saw two players engaged in a one on one battle on the bottom level, both of their shields weak. Taking advantage, she tossed a grenade between them and got the quick double kill.  She heard footsteps to her left and swung her reticule around, catching a player trying to sneak behind her.  Without thinking she hit the 'jump' button and jumped backwards over her opponent as he swung at her, whipping back around she quickly hit a combination of buttons, blocking his counter move and taking him out with a solid melee to the head. 

Pepe, who was watching clapped his hands and whooped loudly and she felt a small crowd gathering behind her.

It always happened.  As soon as word got out that a girl gamer was cleaning up in FFA, the crowds would come.  Some would cheer, some would jeer, but mostly people came out of curiosity.

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