Chapter 2

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Pandora Mech

Chapter Two

Christopher Peeler entered the exhibition space and was met full force with an old familiar smell; a formidable mixture of overused cologne samples that were being passed out at the venue entrance mixed with hastily smoked cigarettes, Bounty dryer sheets stuffed into pockets in an effort to freshen up stale and slept in clothes and nervous sweat.

The MLG gaming tournament scene had only changed by its size and scope, but the feel of it was about the same as he remembered.  He was once regarded as a god in this crowd back in the day, but he doubted any of these new kids would recognize him or his name now.  Looking around at all the young faces, he couldn’t help but feel like a senior citizen in this place as he caught his reflection at a nearby glass display case of smart phones.

I still look good, he thought.  He made a discreet flex of his bicep for good measure and continued on.  He had a meeting with Caesar Nunez, the CEO of MLG, in ten minutes and he was getting lost in the crowds.


"I can't believe it, man.  How've you been, Peeler?"  Caesar boomed from a video production booth, full of monitors, complicated cables and a few overworked production assistants manning the controls while he got up to shake Peelers hand.

"Caesar!  Long time no see.  Dude, you look good!"

Caesar laughed and rubbed his paunch.  "I know I look good.  So do you."

"Man, it’s crazy in here,” Peeler said looking around at all the equipment and monitors.  "And it's grown, Caesar.  You've done amazing, that's for sure.  Congratulations."

"We never could have done it without you old pros."  Caesar slung an arm over his shoulder.  "It's good to see you kid.  What’ve you been up to?  Last I heard you joined the Air Force."

"I did, got out about nine months ago."

“How long were you in?"

"Six years, did my last four as a drone pilot."

"No kidding?  You were probably good at that, huh?"

Peeler shrugged.  "I caught on easy enough, but war is still war, you know."

"Well, thanks for your service, Chris.  Glad your back home."  Caesar patted his back.  "So, what are you doing now?"

"I got a contract with a robotics developer.  Can't go too much into the details, but I love it."

Caesar looked slightly disappointed.  "Oh, and here I thought you wanted to come work for me.  I had a job for you all lined up and everything."

Peeler laughed. 

"So what brings you the tournament scene?  You got a competitive itch you need to scratch?"  Caesar asked.

"I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by and catch up with some old friends."

"And?"  Caesar raised an eyebrow.

"And I need your help with something.  Can I take you to lunch?"

"Only if you'll let me buy."

"Oh come on, Caesar.  I called you, remember? And I’m taking time out of your day, I insist."  Peeler could tell he was going to lose this fight.

"I won’t hear of it.  Besides, I want to pick the place.  I know this killer Thai bistro not too far from the venue and I've been trying to find an excuse to go since I got here."


The Thai restaurant smelled thickly of basil, ginger and curry.  It was busy and by the time they got a seat Christopher could barely conceal the growls coming from his abdomen.

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