New Kid

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-Allen's POV-

Yawn. Yet another day at this fucking school I don't want to go to. Yet another day of stupid teachers and even stupider kids. Jesus I hate people my own age. We're dumber than shit. And annoying, oh my god. But hey, when everyone's dumb and annoying, nobody is, right?
The classroom that morning was unusually cool for May and from my seat in the back of the room, I could see all of the usual cliques that are in every stupid high-school drama movie.
There are the skanky hoes, hanging out with the dumb, jerky, asshole jocks.
Oh and over there are the art nerds. Well. Art nerd. Singular. Hunched over a sketchbook with earbuds in.
And over there by the window are the music geeks. Band kids and orchestra kids and choir kids all huddled around each other. Probably talking about Mozart or what's his name uh- Back. Bach. Some shit like that.
And then there's me. Your stereotypical loser-type. I sat in the back of class (when I showed up), I made snarky ass remarks to everyone (including teachers), jocks hated me, skanky hoes loved me (wink wink), art kids well- I don't really know they kept to themselves.
I sighed as I watched the classroom fill up with people- bored out my mind as I leaned back in my chair. After awhile, the teacher called out.
"Ok so we're getting a new student today!"
Fresh meat. I'm listening.
The teacher glanced around the room, looking for the new chick. Or dude.
"But... He doesn't seem to be here yet so-"
Just as she said that, someone burst into the room, face a bit red. He was little, I could see that from the back of the class. He was dressed in skinny jeans and brown boots with some sort of sweater type thing and a scarf. His hair was pink for Christ sake.
Oh, definite hipster type.
I couldn't see his face though, so I couldn't judge fully yet.
When he spoke, he had a thick British accent and his voice was small and cute but he seemed sure of himself and confident.
Well hello Mr. England.
"I am so so sorry, Ms. I dropped all of my things in the hallway so I had to pick them up and then I got wildly lost in this castle of school, which is actually quite beautiful by the way and- oh listen to me. Rambling on. Apologies, Ms." He let out a little laugh before handing the teacher a pass.
Our teacher smiled and said it was no problem before clapping a hand on his shoulder and turning him around to face the class. Whatever the fuck she said I sure as hell didn't hear because I was too busy staring at that kid.
Holy shit.
God fucking-
Good lord.
That is quite possibly the cutest fucking doe-eyed son of a bitch I have ever seen.
Jesus Christ.
He had very bright, big blue eyes and chubby cheeks that were dusted with freckles and the pink of his hair kinda reflected in his eyes, making it look like they were pink and blue. He was also super short and would probably-maybe- come up to my chin.
Oh my god. Oh my gooooooddddd.
My mind stopped its fangirling when he spoke. He stuttered and looked out at the class nervously, hands wrapped around his books on his chest. "W-well Hello. I'm O-Oliver Kirkland and I have just moved here from the UK. I was from Cheshire, originally, we moved to London when I was little but now I'm here and uh... I hope I um... I'm not sure, I forgot what I was going to say," He let out a little giggle.
I did not think you could get any cuter and then you did that what gave you the right to be so fucking adorable you cute little shit?
I bet he would look even cuter pinned under me, panting and moaning and screaming my name as I-
Shit no wait don't think like you're in public.
Gotta keep your private life low and your privates even lower.
"Sorry. So um... Yeah. Hi," He finished.
"Since Oliver is new, I am going to ask one of you to show him around tod-"
"Aye Teach, I got this," I said, raising my hand triumphantly. The entire class turned around to see who had said that, including Oliver. I waved at him and gave him a little nod, smirking.
Oh ho ho, boy, I'm gonna make you mine.

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