The Sun

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Oliver stuttered at my question, his red flustered face even cuter than normal. He was like a little innocent doll.
He was leaning on one of his legs, the other ankle still hurt from fall and I decided to have some fun with it. So I laughed at his stuttering and ruffled his hair.
"You're so cute Doll," I said.
He blinked. "U-umm thank you, AJ," He said.
"AJ?" I asked, amused.
He shook his head a little. "S-sorry, it just slipped out. I didn't mean to, I mean if you don't want me to cal you that it's-"
"It's fine, Doll," I said, smirking once again at his red face. I actually liked "AJ." It was nice. But I don't think I would've let anyone other then him call me that.
He nodded slowly before trying to take a step forward and putting weight on his ankle, only to whimper out in pain and then fall into my chest. I caught him before he could slip back to floor and held him up as one of his hands gripped the fabric of my shirt tightly and the other rested on his stomach.
"Look you can't walk so I'm gonna have to carry you on my back," I said.
He looked up at me from my chest, face an even deeper red from the position we were in before biting his lip and nodding slowly. Adorable.
"You okay with riding me?" I asked, smirking at the little guy.
His eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly. "W-what! What?! D-don't be so vulgar I-"
"Whoa, hey, I just meant on my back. Seems like someone has been having dirty thoughts about me," I lied. I knew very well what I was doing.
Oliver squeaked. Actually squeaked. "No no no! I just- I didn't think- I mean I- Don't do that, you brute!"
I let out a laugh before turning around and squatting a bit, allowing him to climb onto my back so I could carry him. "Hurry up, Doll, we're gonna miss it," I said, my enthusiasm at showing him my secret growing with each second.
He finally got onto my back and I wrapped my arms under his calves and leaned forward, easily carrying his small frame. Jeez, what does he weigh? Like 100 pounds? 110? He's so light.
I started jogging forward, following the familiar route through the tunnel-like basement of the school.
"Where are you taking me?" Oliver said, voice shaky as he tightened his arms around me.
"Someplace special," I said.
"Oh... Okay," He agreed. I could feel him relax against me, resting his cheek against my back and letting his arms and legs relax. Well that was a quick change in attitude.
As we rounded a corner, he moved his head a little bit so that his breath reached my neck- just under my ear. I did everything I could to hold in a shudder at the feeling. Then he moved up on my back and mumbled my name into my ear.
"Allen," He murmured, accent thick and voice heavy.
Holy shit.
"Hm? Y-yeah, what?" I coughed, trying to sound annoyed that he spoke instead of completely turned on. Whoops.
"Are we there yet?" He asked, once again speaking very close to my ear.
He's not even fucking trying and he's driving me insane.
Instead of speaking I just let out a little, "Mhm," as we turned the final corner. At the end of the damp hallway was a single red door.
He glanced up. "You went through this big fuss just to show me a door?" He asked.
I shook his body on my back, earning me a cute little laugh from him that sent a rush down my spine. "No you dope, it's what's behind the door," I said, smiling.
"Well then, open it! Don't tease me!" He said, smiling despite his curiosity.
Now I'm going to tease you, way to seal your fate shortie.
I made a big show of checking my watch and sighing. "I don't know, we've still got five minutes," I said.
"Oh come on, AJ, please?"
"Hm...." I was fully enjoying his growing desperation.
Then he paused a moment, seemingly in annoyance but what I soon came to realize was evil plotting.

Oliver's Thoughts: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He then sighed heavily and scooted upwards on my back, wrapping his arms even closer to my chest and whispering. He let his lips linger and brush on my ear as he spoke, his tone and accent and the warm feeling of the soft flesh of his lips making my brain stop working.
"Allen, please," He said.
I could feel my eye twitch.
This cute little bastard is not as innocent as he looks. Holy shit, he knows what the fuck he's doing.
Abort mission.
Abort abort.
Abandon ship.
Get back.
Gaining some sense back, I shook my head and swallowed, feeling a blush creeping on my cheeks. "W-Well since you asked so nicely," I managed to say.
He chuckled from behind me and then kissed my cheek, his voice going back to that happy, innocently joyful tone it normally had.
He is manipulative as hell.
And he's good at it.
Maybe even better than me.
Okay wait I don't know-
"AJ? You going to open the door, Love?" He interrupted my thoughts.
"Oh yeah right- my bad. I was- I don't know whatever," I said. "Just prepare yourself to see something you won't forget,"
I opened the door slowly, letting the bright orange light creep in through the crack before I stepped into the light.
Oliver gasped from behind me, his hands gripping my shirt.
"Oh wow," He said.
I laughed. "See what I mean? Wasn't it worth the wait?"
He climbed off of my back and hopped himself over to the tree, sitting right under it in the grass, face pointed towards the branches.
I had taken him to an old corner of the school's property that used to be an extra art building before they tore it down. After they did that, a tree was planted and everyone forgot about it. But I found it one day (while I was totally not skipping class) and I came here every day since. The little corner was at the edge of the hill that the school was on, and to one side were endless mountains, cascaded in orange and yellow light from the sunlight rising, and to the other side was the city. Under the tree that was there, a large weeping willow, the sun rose directly behind its branches and sent the whole area into a sunlight-flecked little fairy hideaway or some shit like that. All I knew was that it was relaxing and real pretty and Oliver seemed like the type to appreciate that.
"This is absolutely beautiful, AJ," He said, voice dreamy as he looked to the mountains and rising sun.
I sat down beside him and ran a hand through my hair, nodding a bit.
"Yeah it is. I'm not much for scenery, but I thought you'd like it or whatever so yeah," I said.
He turned his face to the sun and curled his feet and legs under him, sitting cross-cross as he closed his eyes to the heat of the beginning day.
"Thank you," He said. "For this,"
I nodded and mumbled something vaguely responsive but couldn't really focus on anything other than him. His tiny form, the way his hair fell on his face, the way his skin like... Fucking... Glowed in the sunlight. All that romantic BS.
"U-Um... AJ," He whispered.
"W-what? Yeah? Sorry, my bad. Didn't mean to stare, Doll," I said.
He furrowed his eyebrows at me, lips pulling themselves into a cute pout.
"Why do you keep calling me that? Doll," He said.
I shrugged before inching closer to him. "I dunno. Cuz you remind me of a doll. You're short as hell and you've got this pink hair," I said, running my hands through said hair. So soft. Like a rabbit or something oh my God. I let my hand rest at the back of his head, looking down into his eyes as yet another blush tore across his cheeks. "And you're probably the cutest thing I've ever seen, and you're delicate and dainty and Jesus I just- damn. You are absolutely fucking adorable, okay?" I said, a blush now creeping up on me, as I let myself ramble about him.
Real smooth, dipshit.
"I-I Um... Thank you, I uh- im n-not used to compliments like that I-" he sighed. "Thank you, AJ,"
I let out a little awkward cough and then released my hand from his head, embarrassed over the fact that I let it stay there so long.
"Y-yeah so yeah. Uh. No big deal."
He nodded and then looked at his hands before mumbling something I couldn't hear.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I just um... I think you're really handsome, too. If that means anything to you, and I'm sorry if that's forward but I-"
He looked up at me and stopped talking. He must've seen the look on my face or something, but I just stared at him.
Did he just say that? To me?
What am I supposed to do?
"Well. I think you're cute, and you think I'm drop-dead gorgeous and incredibly sexy-"
"Hey! I didn't say that!"
"It's just the point, and since we both think we're so attractive, you know what that means?" I asked.
He furrowed his eyebrows again, shaking his head a little.
Aw cutie. He's so innocent I love it.
"Well then, I'll show you," I said.
I wrapped the same hand in his hair as I had earlier and pulled his face to mine, locking our lips together. He froze for a moment and I panicked for a second before he relaxed and closed his eyes, welcoming the kiss.

Oliver's thoughts: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After a minute or so, he pulled away for air, blinking wildly and blushing darkly. I let out a laugh, smiling at him.
"Adorable," I said, poking his nose.
"Oh hush up, you brute," he said, smiling.
He then laid down on his back, resting his arms in his stomach as he stared through the tree's branches.
"Well that was um..."
"Amazing? Breathtaking? Erotic? The best kiss you've ever had?"
"It was nice," He said plainly.
Nice? Fucking nice?
"Nice?" I repeated. He shrugged.
"Mhm. It was nice," I could see a small smirk on his lips, and I knew that he was plotting again but I knew it was working.

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