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•6 months later•

"Oliver why are we doing this?" Allen said, whining. I gave him a laugh as I took of my earmuffs, shaking the snow out of my hair.
"Because it's fun, now don't be such a stick in the mud." I smiled at him and unzipped my coat, he doing the same.
Allen sighed heavily and then nodded. "Fine, I don't care," he replied, holding back a smile.
We had just come in from sledding- there's a wonderful hill a block from Allen's house and when I saw it I knew we had to go sledding- and Allen's parents were at work.
Grinning, I waited for Allen to turn his back to me and then I jumped him, clinging onto his back and holding him tightly. He laughed at me and brought a hand up to ruffle my hair, body not even reacting to me jumping on him. I pursed my lips. "Why don't I ever surprise you?" I asked. I'd gotten into the habit of jumping him every now and again to try and scare him, but it never worked.
He shrugged and carried my into the kitchen. "I dunno. Maybe I'm just weird." He said, smiling slightly. At the sight of his little grin I slid up his back a bit and poked his cheek.
"You're not weird. Maybe I'm just predictable." I said, wondering aloud.
He turned his head to the side a bit to look at me.
"You are not predictable." He said.
"Then why can't I surprise-"
He took my off his back and set me down in front of him, suddenly deadly serious. He put one hand on my cheek and the other wrapped around my arm. "You surprise my everyday, Ollie." I could feel my face heat up and a small smile broke across my lips. I looked down at my feet, but he put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him. "You are the most beautifully unique person I know. And threats why you surprise me. Don't ever stop trying to." He gave me a smile, a real one. He rarely smiled like this, and when he did I savored it. He usually smirked or made some sort of grin- but never a genuine smile. It made his face seem warm and calm and kind and I loved it. Then suddenly his lips wee on mine.
The kiss was sweet and soft and light, and it simply said the one thing neither of us even dared to do yet.

"I love you."

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