Im a puppet

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"Was I just... A toy to you?" Oliver asked me, voice weak while he tried to hold back from crying.
Truth was, no. He wasn't. And he was first one to not be a toy for me. He was sweet and kind and genuine and he was everything I wasn't. And I liked that. A lot. It scared me how much I liked him. I'd never liked anyone like that before, and it fucking terrified me.
So I avoided him. I thought, hey, if you can't get over him just ignore him completely. It'll settle itself, right? But that was a total failure. It just made me hurt more to see him so distraught because of me. He looked so sad and lonely and hurt and... Ah fuck, I did that.
When he approached me in the hallway, calling out my name, I bit my lip, bracing myself to deny him. To hurt him. Again. But when he asked if he was just another toy to me, something in me hurt. Because it wasn't true. For some reason I felt a lot of pride as well as confusion at the fact that I had fallen for the little shit.
I had no idea how to answer him, I was too busy staring at his eyes that were glossing over with tears.
Please don't cry, I don't think I could-
"Well? Say something! Don't I deserve an explanation? Please, just say something to me!" I would've just turned around and left, had the tears not fallen. Two little droplets fell from his eyes and stained his freckled cheeks, and my heart broke.
I sighed and grabbed his arm, steering him away from the growing crowd in the hallway. "C'mere you little shit."
I didn't hear him say anything but I did hear a little sniffle. God damn it stop crying I can't deal with that.
After a minute, I led him into an empty classroom and sat on a desk in front of him.
"All right look, I'm only gonna say this once, okay?" I said.
He winced at the sound of my voice, and I toned down the volume and spoke softer next time. "So... I'm... Im sorry for not speaking to you. That was a real dick move for me. But, the only reason I did it was because I... I uh..."
He looked up at me then, still crying, and looking slightly afraid. "D-Don't pity me, Allen. Just tell me if you don't want me to speak to you, okay?" His voice shook. "If you hate me just tell me, don't spare me some sweet story you tell everyone else you sleep with."
God fucking damn this cute ass son of bitch.
I pulled him closer to me and traced his cheeks with a thumb, wiping away his tears and looking at him with-what I hoped-was a soft expression.
"I don't hate you, and I'm not giving you a stupid story, Oliver," I said. He looked up at me and stared for a moment before nodding.
"I haven't spoken to you because I... Well..." I ran a hand through my hair, trying to figure out the right words to explain it all to him. "I uh... I haven't spoken to you because you're not a toy to me,"
"Well I like you," I finally said, the words falling from me surprisingly easy. Now that I had said that, the rest seemed to flow fluidly. "And that's kind of weird for me because I don't like people, I enjoy people. But you... I don't know I just think you're damn cute and I sweet and all that scared me."
He paused and then sniffled again, before giving me a small smile that sent waves into my chest.
"It's okay. I understand now," he said.
"Thanks, Doll..." I said, Unsure what else to do.
"Well, for the record," He said. "I like you too."
"O-Oh oh, oh. Oh. Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks," I stuttered.
"So... We both like one another,"
"We've established that, yeah."
"Do you know what that means?" He took a small step towards me, grin on his face widening.
"It means that now... We date!" He squeaked out.
Ah fuck.
Why does that make me feel so...
God damn this kid.

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