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So a couple of days ago I went to clean my car and I bashed my ribs into the arm rest very hard and have been having a hard time breathing and moving so went to the doctor's and they said that I have a rib contusion but I have been getting worse so I'm going to go to the hospital after my mother and I drop off my cousin wiith other family members so my mom can take me to the hospital and get it checked out.

You know what to do read,  vote,  comment. I would love to hear from my readers. If you want to be in the story I need the following info:
Name & age
How you met Kay or the boys
If you want to be friends or family with to one of the boys or if want to date someone in the story tell me who and how you met. Thanx for reading this weird book. Peace out my band heads loves y'all. ❤

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