I think I like this chick idk

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I'm taking ideas if anyone has any I'll give a shout out to best Idea and will use that idea in the story so pm or vote send comments on how I'm doin so far.

Ash's POV recap

"No! Andy I saw a really hot chick in the crowd this chick had bumped into me earlier when I was looking for u dude and saw u being chased by some fans. I turned and asked if she was fine but then walked off to the dressing room to get ready and I didn't fuckin get her name but she was hot as fuck dude u should have seen her." I didn't tell him that I think I was falling for this chick though I think he's figured it out from what  I just told him.

Kay's POV Recap

Next day

My bff Laura was txting me and asked how the concert went and I said "ok" and she asked me if anything happened that was interesting and I said "not really besides Andy getting chased by crazy fans. and me running into a hot guy but other than that nothing." so she asked what the guy looked like and I told her and she called me and said " I know who it was you ran into his name is Ashley Purdy but fans usually just call him Ash."

Ash's POV

We made it back to the bus and the guys could tell I was distracted and Jake asks me " Yo whats up Ash?" So I tell the guys and they all look at me like " Why the hell didn't you get her name dude!!! " I tell them well while I was looking for gazelle legs here I was bumped into by a chick but I didn't think about it at the time but then saw her in the front row and noticed she looked depressed. "

Hey guys I hope you like it so far I'm kinda slow on updating but I've been very busy with family events. So comment, vote tell me if you like it or hate it. Thanx.

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