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So I know I haven't updated yet but I've been extra busy so I hope you like the story so far.

Kay's POV

So the concert went fine and I met a hot guy from bvb who now I know is THE ASHLEY PURDY. My friend Laura had to tell me who he was cause of course I didn't recognize him. I should have reconized him when I first heard his voice but then again I was kinda new to listening to the band so I didn't really recognize any of them yet.

Ash's POV

Holy Shit that chick was hot why the hell didn't I get her name when I had the chance to oh right because I was worried about gazell legs being late to the stage. Damn it I'm an idiot I hope I can see her again.

So I know I haven't been on I had my phone taken away for 2 months. But I'm back. Plus I started back to college on January 20th so I probably won't be able to update as much as I would like to.

Kay's POV (2 months later)

I opened my laptop and logged on and decided that I would Google BVB and find out more about them and I was looking for Ashley and saw his Twitter page and so I got on and sent him a request and looked at his page. When I received a message from him asking me if I was going to see the show later on. So I fangirled and said sure and asked where it was going to be at and what time and he responded back saying in Richmond Armory at 7:00pm and I'd see him at the show. I logged out of my laptop and went to get ready for the show.

Ash's POV

I was hanging out with the guy's  on the bus and I was just checking my phone when I  saw that I had a new Twitter request so I checked it and I saw the request was from the girl I'd seen at the show 2 months ago. I accepted her request and asked if she was coming to the show later and she responded asking where and what time so I told her Richmond Armory at 7:00pm and she said she would be there.  I was grinning at my phone when Andy looked at me and asked what I was grinning about. So I said "I found the girl who was at the show last time." and Andy just laughed and said " That's Cool" and walked off to get ready for the show.

Hey guys so what do you think of this chapter? Do you think he's going to get to talk to Kay?
Vote, comment what you think will happen. It's 1:20 am I'm going to bed. Peace out my band heads.

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