Kiss Snatching Jerk

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"Answer me, Dean! Why did you kiss me?!" Castiel spat, his face red as he bit his lip, the tingling sending spike of pleasure down his spine as he glared at his boss. He wouldn't let up, not now.

"You kissed back!" Dean shot back, his cheeks tinting red and his eyes growing wide. Castiel hid his mouth behind his hand, taking a step back and shivering, just thinking about the Winchester kissing him giving him the chills.

"Only because you're a kiss snatching jerk!" Castiel retorted, his eyes not leaving Dean as he tried to get as much distance between him as possible. "What's with you anyways?"

"Kiss snatching jerk? What are you? A third grader?" Dean responded, a small snort escaping him. Castiel felt his face grow hotter than it already was, looking away from Dean and clasping his necklace in his hands.

"S-shut up, you assbutt!" Castiel spat, his words slightly jumbled, as if he weren't quite right in the head at the moment, which he wasn't. That kiss through his entire world off, and he would never admit that he was relishing in the tingling he felt on his lips.

"Assbutt? What kind of insult is that?" Dean replied, his voice one of amusement, which only served to piss Castiel off further. "What are you grabbing a there? Did you get a new necklace?"

"Don't try to change the subject!" Castiel catechized, shooting a glare at Dean. "And for your information, yes I did. Not that it was any of your concern."

Dean moved closer to peer at the necklace, but Castiel took a step back for his every step forwards. It wasn't until the Novak felt the hard wood of the door bumping against his back that he let out a soft yelp, unable to move as Dean reached out, taking the necklace gently from his hands. Castiel could have sworn he saw recognition in Dean's eyes.

"Where did you get this? It must have cost you a fortune." Dean said, letting out an impressed whistle. Castiel frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. When did Dean ever care about his possessions?

"It was a gift." Castiel said, his frown deepening as he remembered why he had purposely pissed off Dean in the first place. He felt that anger return, not because of the gift, but because whoever gave it to him thought that Castiel did not need to know who he was.

"From who? I didn't know you were dating anyone." Dean questioned, and although he seemed just mildly curious, Castiel couldn't help but feel that something much deeper going on. After all, Dean didn't care about him, and this was the most civil conversation they've ever had.

" was a farewell gift." Castiel said, not knowing any other way to say it. It was a farewell, wasn't it? The masked man wanted nothing to do with Castiel anymore, so he couldn't understand why he felt like he was missing puzzles to this story? Who did he know that could ever possibly love him.

Dean let out a grunt. "Pity." The man said, letting the necklace drop from his hands. "Judging by the gem alone, that necklace could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars. You could have done yourself good staying with them."

Was that pain that Castiel heard in Dean's voice? It couldn't be. "I don't care about money, I care about the person. If they weren't willing to put in the effort, I don't see a point in even trying to hold on." Castiel retorted, his hand finding the necklace again. It was warm from Dean's grasp, and it felt like a comfort to the Novak.

Dean turned to look at him, a curious look in his eyes. "What kind of person are you? Everyone I know just wants money and support. Why aren't you like everyone else?" Dean asked, making Castiel's wonder grow. What game was Dean playing at? Did he sound....desperate?

"Who cares about money? In the end, it's just a piece of paper that binds your life. Haven't you ever heard of free will?" Castiel retorted, rolling his eyes. "I thought better of you than a scrooge. Not much better, but better."

"I said everyone I know, not me." Dean snapped, his eyes glowing with the familiar hatred that Castiel has seen since he first started working here, but suddenly, didn't that hatred look a little too lackluster, as if it was just a mask for something else. "Don't dump me in with these people looking for someone to give them everything they want. I have a need for something else, something much better than money.."

"And what would that something be?" Castiel spat, though he froze when that hatred falter in Dean's eyes. No. Dean wasn't about to say that. He couldn't say it. It would destroy everything he thought was true of his boss.

Castiel ran out of the office, his mind set on the longing in Dean's eyes, and the single word that would turn his life upside down.



Sooo, sorry that I haven't been updating a lot. I've just had a ton of stuff going on(what's new) and I just couldn't find myself to put out half-assed chapters when I know I can do so much better.

This chapter was a bit short, but I just wanted to get something out for you guys. I have things I need to do, so I don't know if I'll be able to get out anymore chapters today, but! I promise that I'll try!

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