Chapter One: New Beginnings, out with the old in with the new

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I took a deep breath before I entered my new home for the next year. I actually made it to university! I wonder what my roommate will be like. Well I'm about to find out. I pushed open the door and dragged my luggage in behind me. I slowly walked over to my bed and flopped down on to it. 

"Hey, I'm Emaani" a pretty curly haired girl said smiling at me. I smiled back 

"Hey my names Nailah-Marie " I replied as I began unpacking my stuff. I placed my Mac book on my side table then pulled out my photo frame. I stood staring at it for a while before placing it next to my laptop. I sighed; he always said I would be the one to make him proud, now he's not even here to see it all. As we continued to unpack we got to know each other. Emaani had two little sisters and lived with her dad. She was studying drama and performing arts just like me. I was happy at least I'd have a friend. An hour later we finally finished. 

"Come on put your shoes on, I'm gonna introduce you to my cousin, she's in second year" Emaani said dragging me off my bed. I laughed and pulled on my trainers. As we walked across campus she turned to me and said 

"By the way your hair and eyes are really amazing; I'm jealous don't walk to close to me no one will look at me". I looked at her and laughed  

"Bitch please you know you be killing them with your hazel eyes" I said playfully pushing her.  

"Well, if you insist" she said swinging her hair. We burst out laughing as we reached Harvard halls. 

"Trust it to be your loud mouth echoing through the building" a small exotic looking girl said standing in front of us smiling. Emaani rolled her eyes playfully then said 

"Look ya wretch just because we attend the same uni doesn't mean I won't slap your behind now behave". I laughed a little they were funny and had a strong resemblance to each other; I think it was their eyes.

"This is my cousin Zarafinah, Zarah for short and this is my roommate Nailah" Emaani said introducing us to each other, I smiled shyly at her. She was really pretty. 

"What country are you from you? Yours eyes look really exotic" I said staring at her eyes, they were a greyish brown colour. She laughed 

"I'm Egyptian and Cuban. What about you? You’re extremely pretty" she replied. It was my turn to laugh. 

"I'm Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and St Lucian. And thank you I could say the same to you your eyes are so pretty" I said as we sat in their common room. I looked around taking in my surroundings.  

"So where are the rest of your chicken heads because I know you like to socialise you heifer" Emaani said looking at Zarah. She cut her eyes and turned to me 

"So I'm going to introduce you to some of the guys here, they are second year but really nice, my boyfriend and one of the boys are missing though “she said taking my hand and walking me over to a group of boys ranging from caramel to 100% dark chocolate.  

"Guys I want you to meet my friend Nailah and my cousin Emaani” she said slightly pushing us forward. The lightest of them all spoke  

"You alright girls? My names Kyle, this is Andre, jamaarl, Prince and Tobi" he said introducing them all. They smiled and said their hellos. The one named Prince couldn't take he's eyes off Emaani. We sat talking with them a while longer. As we got up to leave prince turned to Emaani and said 

"I'd love to see you again, could I maybe have your number?”. Emaani blushed; her hazel eyes shining whilst they exchanged numbers. We said out goodbyes then made our way back across campus to our room. 

"I see you Emaani, the way your eyes lit up when he asked for your number" I said to her as we stepped into the foyer of our dorm. She giggled like a school child  

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