Chapter Five part 2

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Today is the day, I'm so excited. I finally find out if I'm having a little boy or a little girl. I got dressed and went downstairs to see everyone waiting, even Tahirah and Jamaari.  

"Okay, let's go you animals" I said as we entered different cars.  


"Ermm Miss Edwards I'm not sure they are all going to fit in this room" the nurse laughed. I looked around at all my friends and smiled  

"I'll wait outside" Emaani said quickly exiting before I could speak. Prince looked up at with questioning eyes, I shrugged and turned away. It wasn't my place to tell him, but my heart went out to my cousin.  

"I'll wait with her, just to make sure she's okay" prince said also leaving. 

"Okay Zarah this is going to be a little cold" the nurse said as she placed the gel on my stomach, I giggled as it touched my skin, a few minutes later we were all looking at the screen. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I looked at my babies. Nailah was right. 

"Well Zarah your having twins, now would you like to know the sex of your babies?" The nurse said, I nodded my head eagerly. 

"A boy and a girl" she said smiling at me.  

"I told you guys! Jaleel where's my money playa" Nailah said smiling. 

Shaking his head he handed her the money. My thoughts ran back to Emaani. I knew she'd come around sooner or later but I still felt bad for her. I couldn't even being to understand how she would be feeling at the moment, I just hope Dr Nicki is helping her, I don't want her to slip into her old ways, I don't want to loose my cousin, my closest friend. I sighed as we finally exited the hospital. Adreena pulled me backwards slowing into her pace. 

"So, umm.. Am I getting a little niece or nephew?" She asked quietly. I squeezed her arm gently and said 

"Both, look Emaani I am so sorry, I wish it wasn't like this, so I understand if you don't want to be around me that much right now, but your always gonna be my favourite cousin, my best friend and my sister". I saw the tears pooling at the rims of her eyes and my heart ached for her, I hated knowing she was hurting and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I pulled her into a hug. 

"Zarah I am sorry, I'm trying real hard to be here for you, I'm seeing dr Nicki again to help me get through this. Congratulations though girl your gonna be a great mommy" she whispered to me. We walked arm in arm to the car.


I sat in Dr Nicki's office tapping my pen. I knew what to write just not how to start. Thoughts ran threw my mind.  

Emaani I know this is hard for you, take your time there's no rush" Dr Nicki said. I took a deep breath and began to write; 


Broken, Empty, when does it stop? When does it become enough? Why does it have to be me who has it so tough? There are so many people out there who are evil and unkind, yet they aren't burdened with this infertility curse. A 16 year old girl delivers a healthy baby boy, then throws him in the garbage like some broken old toy. A drug addict has three beautiful little ones but beats them black and blue, for what reason they have no clue. A worn out woman with more than she can bear Sighs disappointment when the two lines appear. God give me one, just one to cherish and love, one, just one to kiss and hug and I promise, I promise that to you I'll give all my praise. Make it stop, this intense longing and fear, all I want is my own that I can bear......

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