Chapter Three

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I stood in the shower trying to scrub every last scent of her off. I can't keep doing this. As much as I don't want to admit it Kahlia means so much to me, I can't sit and watch her hurt even if it means hurting myself in the process. I stepped out the shower and got dressed. I had told Prince about the situation and even he was down for the plan. I quickly got my keys, we had to be quick, we have plans with the girls later, and they would only start cussing if we turned up late.


Another long day had passed and we were chilling in our room along with Zarah, when there was a knock. We looked at each other, nobody was expecting anyone. Zarah stood up and opened the door a little, after a few minutes she came back with a light skinned girl with curly hair. 

"Guys this is Kahlia-Symone, she lives next door to you" Zarah said returning to her bean bag. Emaani and I exchanged weary looks before smiling and saying hello. 

"Wow you’re both really pretty, I thought I'd come and get to know you guys seeing as you’re the only other girls in this building." She said smiling. I cleared my throat  

"Well I'm Nailah and this is my roommate Emaani and I guess you already know Zarah" I said smiling at her. I couldn't help but wonder why it was now after 3 months of being here she wanted to know us. I shook the feeling off and engaged in the conversation at hand. Feeling a vibration I pulled out my phone, it was Zaire: 

ZaireTaylor [MsSesay]: 

Shorty what you up to? x 

I smiled then replied 

NailahSesay [MrTaylor&MsThomas]: 

Nothing much in our room chilling...... your ex is here x 

ZaireTaylor [MsSesay]: 

😐 Why! x 

NailahSesay [MrTaylor&MsThomas]: 

Calm down, she came to socialise seeing as we are the only other girls in the building x 

ZaireTaylor [MsSesay]: 

K anyways me and Prince and Jaleel are gonna drop by about 7 make sure she's gone x 

I sighed, and slid the phone over to Emaani who quickly read it. Her eyebrow raised as she slid it back, I shrugged. I didn't want to have to be rude and tell her to go. I looked at the time 6.45pm. Shit. Time wasn't on our side and neither of us wanted to see what would happen if she was still here when they came. I let out a small sigh of relief as she stood up saying she had to leave; we hugged her as she left closing the door firmly behind her. 

"I have a feeling she came to 'socialise' for another reason entirely" Zarah said sinking further into her bean bag. Zarah was in her second year along with Zaire, Prince, Jaleel and Kahlia, so if anyone knew them it would be her. I wrinkled my nose as I thought about it, she couldn't really be mad could she? I mean she's dating Asher now right? And it's not like Zaire and I were dating, we're just very good friends. I shook it off and tided up a little before they got here. 


I sat on my laptop scrolling through my online friends when I spotted Marcell. I'd missed that guy. He'd been in America for a while and was back, but I hadn't seen him. We exchanged numbers and I logged off. I thought back to Nailah, she seemed to be a nice person but I still couldn't believe I had really lost him to her. As much as I wanted to hate her I couldn't, she was just too nice of a person, and in all honesty Zaire deserves someone like her. I sighed, I don't know what had come over me but I guess it was time for a new start.  

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