chapter 14

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After we'd showed the song to the rest of the girls me and amy had to sit outside whilst they discussed if they wanted to use the the melody.

"Hey ames" I started "Did you only come and talk to me because you liked th e melody I wrote?"

"No of course not, why would ever think that?" She sounded surprised.

"Well a couple weeks ago I heard you saying somethings about me and I guess I just assumed you didn't like me"

"Well to be brutally honest with you I didn't. But thats because when you were younger for some reson lauren didn't like you and everyone would go mad at her so I just wanted her to have someone on her side but then I realised, I've neglected you for nothing. I made this sweet little girl feel like her own sister hates her. Watching you with Christina and Lisa made me realise that."

"If you would of said that to me a week ago I would of told you to not speak to me, but recently I've learned to always give second chances because the amount I've been given is nothing compared to the ones I should of given out"

"So you're not mad?"

"No because I pushed everyone away you only pushed me away"

"Right girls you can come in" Christina interrupted. We followed her into the office. "If you are happy to let us use it, we really want to use your melody"

"Well yeah why do you think I showed it?" I replied

"The next question is just a suggestion you don't have to go with it but do you want to actually do this song with us? You dont have to be in the band and you can be featured."

"Erm" all eyes were now on me "I-er-I-I need sometime to think"

"Thats fine"

I quickly ran out the room and locked myself in my bedroom. Should I do it? I mean what will I get out of it? I know I'll write a pros and cons list. I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing.

-the fans might hate me
-I could be forgotten because im performing with the band
-I wont fit in with the band
-I might be wanted in the band

-I might gain fans
-I could get recognised and get a career out if it
-it could bring us closer
-I might be wanted in the band...

What do I do? My minds all over the place. I need a starbucks.

I grabbed my phone and purse and keys (oh i forgot to mention, I can finally drive!) then drove to starbucks. I ordered a lemon vanilla frapp and sat in a small booth on my own. I sat on twitter for a bit favouriting and retweeting tweets until I was interrupted by two girls who looked about 14.

"Omg is it really you? Sam cimorelli?" The blonde one asked

"Yeah why? Wanna know where my sisters are?" I replied, expecting the normal questions.

"No I absolutely love you, yeah your sisters are cool an all but I love you and your work a lot more"

"Oh wow, thank you. Hey could I get a picture with you guys for twitter?"


We took a selfie and I uploaded it to twitter with the caption

Met these two lovely girls today. I didn't even know I had any fans but I guess I do so thanks @samlove @scfan you guys rock.

"Well we have to leave unfortunately but im so happy I met" "yeah me too" the girls said then left

Okay so maybe I should do the song the band because that felt awesome. I mean I, this one singular person, some how made the day of two girls.

Just then lauren and dani walked in.

"Hey sam when did you get here?" Lauren asked

"About a half hour ago"

"Oh cool well we're sitting with you now, dani go get our drinks" dani went to order the drinks "should we talk to her now?"

"I guess we could try"

We sat planning untill dani came back with the drinks.

"So dani how are you?" Lauren asked.


"You sure nothing bothering you?"

"No why?"

"I just wanted to know that you're okay"

"Well I'm fine" she was starting to get uncomfortable

"Lauren why dont go to the restroom" I suggested

"But I-"

"Just go"

She got up and left.

"Okay that was weird, what's up with her?" Dani asked

"Dani, me and lauren have different techniques of confrontation. Lauren was trying to ease herself in to it I'm going to be very blunt, we know you're drinking"

"No I'm-"

"Don't bother I have evidence. We wont tell anybody if you accept our help now before its too late"

Dani burst into tears "can I just talk to you and then you tell laur? It just you must know more then her in this area, mom doesn't even tech us about drugs and alcohol"

"If thats you want" I text lauren to tell her the situation. she text back and said it was fine and came out the toilets and left. "Right first lets go somewhere private"

We got in the car and drove to where lisa took me. And sat against a tree

"Okay dani spill. Whats going on?" I started

"Well a few months ago I met this boy, he was dead sweet and he asked me out so I said yes. He took me to his friends party, it was fun but then he pressured me to have a drink. So then day after day he did it more and more. I was scared to say no because what if he thought I was weird. I've grown as a weird girl and I just wanted to be normal." She was in tears

"Dani, its not weird to say no." I soothed pulling her onto my lap "I know myself. Its a word I wish I would of said ages ago. And to me you were never weird hyper? Yes but never weird"


"Yes. Now dani I need to know, has he made you do anything else you dont want to?"

She burst out in tears agian "y-yes. H-he makes me have s-sex even if I say no, and he'll hurt me unless I let him" she started sobbing into my chest

"Baby girl, you need to break up with him"

"I'm too scared too"

"Well you know I have to tell lauren but I think we need someone older. Could you agree to that"

"T-tell lisa please"

"Okay lets get some food and blankets and I'll get lisa to meet us here"

I picked dani up and carried her to the car. I can't believe how broken this girl is l. She seems so brave but shes not, and I've neglected to see it.

The forgotten one (cimorelli fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora