chapter 16

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Lisa's pov

I was sat on my bed crying. I had found out dani was abused for a few months and now sam she was abused and used for years and I never knew.

I wish I didn't listen in on her and christinas conversation.

I think at the moment I need to focus on dani though. She only let me and sam know the full story and sam doesn't know I know about her yet either. I'll let her take her time to tell me.

I crawled into Dani's bed and wrapped my arms around her. She cuddled into my chest. Even though shes taller than me, she had never seemed so small and innocent.

Sams pov

I woke up with Christians protective arms around me. Last nights events came flooding back. I needed my escape.

I slipped out of christinas arms and snook out to the bathroom.

After my escape I cleaned up and went back to my room where christina was waiting on my bed for me. I got under the covers next to her and leaned on her shoulder.

"You took a long time in the bathroom" christina stated

"Sorry I was caught up in my own thoughts" I lied

"Sam show me your wrists"

"Why do you want to look at my bracelets"

"No your skin. Sam show me your wrists"

I tried to run away put she trapped me in her arms. I started to try and wriggle out of her grip but she was too strong. She steaded my arms long enough to remove/rip them off. My scars were exposed. I instantly burst out into tears.

Christina pulled me on to her lap and rocked back and forth whilst I sobbed into her chest.

"My baby girl is so broken" I herd christina whisper.

After what felt like forever, Christina finally spoke up.

"Get changed where going out." She walked out the room to get changed

I went to my closet and picked out some black jeans and my red flannel. I put on foundation, eyeliner and mascara. I straightened my hair then put my black beenie on then put on my black vans. I grabbed my phone and wallet and went to find Christina.  

she was stood with two duffle bags.

"Right, come on."

we went to her van and she started driving.

"where are we going?"

"for a break"

We pulled up to this massive building in the middle of nowhere. It was very modern looking white and glass sort of thing. There was benches all around and flowers and trees planted everywhere.

"We're here" christina squealed

I followed her inside to a reception. The room was all white. I felt uneasy about all this.

"Does mom know we're here?" I whispered

"She came up with this idea because she thought you seemed stressed" We walked over to the desk "Cimorelli please"

"ah yes we've been expecting you miss cimorelli" the woman at the desk said. Two men in a white coats came over to me "Samantha these men will show you to your room."

"What about christinas?" I questioned.

"Sam im not staying. This is a place for you to get help." christina butted in.

"You're sending me to rehab?"

"It's for your own good"

"What? Am I too fucked in the head for you?"

"no sam-"

"Why did I ever let you in? my life was fine before you interfered!"

"Sam please we all agreed-"

"You told everyone?!"

"To help"

"You know what if you leave me here, don't expect me to be here when you come back"

"I can tell you're upset so I'm gonna go and I'll be back in a week okay." she started to walk out

"Christina! please!" before I could go after her I was being held back by the two men.

I burst into tears as I watched the only person I trusted walk out on me

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