chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I slam my hand against the button on the top of it. Another day I have to face my family. Ever since I was 10 I've been excluded from them all especially my sisters. I'm just so different, but at least I have my own room.

my name is Samantha Cimorelli, Sam for short. I'm 15 and have long brown hair and brown eyes. If you recognise my last name then you know my sisters and their band. You also probably think their so sweet and stuff. Well I don't. I have my reasons though, you see, when the band started all us younger ones wanted join but being so young we couldn't. Anyway when me and dani (I'm a year older then dani) we're old enough we were so excited but they never actually let me join, they never asked me but dani joined. it really hurt me and I just excluded myself from the whole family.  

Anyway back to reality now.

I looked in my closet and picked out my white, red and grey dress that came down to my mid-thigh, my cowboy boots that comes half way up the bottom of my leg and a red tasseled bag with a long strap. I put on some mascara and eyeliner, filled my bag and crept down stairs and headed strait for the front door.

"where do you think your going" shit!!

I turned around to see Christina, her arms folded, giving me a stern look.

"Its none of your business" I snapped back.

"its fundraiser day at church which means you're not going out"

"since when have I gone to church?"

"well this is different and mom said you have to go"

"when here it come from moms mouth then I will believe it" I argue back. I turn to leave when she grabs my wrist to stop me "get of me!" I was almost get out of her grip when her and someone else lifted me by my arms and drag me until I hit the couch.

"now stay" Christina said.

"woof" I replied, doing a dog paw action

"less of you attitude" Lisa said, who I'm guessing grabbed me

"why am I going?"

"mom wants us to have some family time" Christina said, she could see how unimpressed i was and carried on "it'll be fun, we're gonna do a concert, there'll be games, food stands, little stalls all that really cute stuff"

i sighed and replied "firstly that stuff sounds shit and secondly I'm not gonna be able to stand there listen to made in america again" (A/N i actually like their songs but this is a story)

"language!" Lisa shouted.

i rolled my eyes then looked at Christina. She looked hurt yet angry. "So where is everyone?" i questioned.

"Having breakfast, have you had any?" Christina replied

"I'm not hungry"

"you have to eat"

"no thanks"

Christina and Lisa exchanged looks, then grabbed me again dragging me to the kitchen. I turned around to see everyone starring at me in silence. Great.

" do you want for breakfast?" Katherine said awkwardly, standing in front of the oven.

"nothing" i replied

"Um..okay" i couldn't tell if she was scared or just felt awkward

"Can i go back in there now?" i asked Lisa and Christina

"Eat something first" Lisa demanded 

"Fine" I walked over to the fruit bowl, all eyes still on me, took a grape ate it, walked back to the door and said "I ate now move" I pushed passed them and headed straight for the door. 

once i was outside i new i was safe. I started to walk when i herd someone yell "get back here"

I turned to see dani stood at the door. i rolled my eyes and carried on walking. I herd foot steps behind me and go ready to run but i was too late.

"Don't you dare ruin another thing for this family" dani said grabbing my arm

"Oh so i ruin everything now" i replied

"yes, Your just a huge screw up"

her words hurt me for some reason. i pushed her, which made her stumble back, then she pushed me.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah!" she shouted back.

"Yeah" Then i felt her fist connect with my nose. 

"Dani!" someone shouted.

I pushed passed anyone who was there and ran upstairs gripping my nose, with footsteps following me. I was at the top when someone grabbed, i managed to break free and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My nose was bleeding so i gabbed some tissue and covered my nose. i sank to the floor and brought my knees to my chest and cried, not just because of the pain but because of what dani said, my own baby sister.


By the way i have nothing against Cimorelli and their families and i have nothing against dani.

sorry if you don't like what i say in this story but i don't hate cimorelli i actually do love them if your confused.

Also the picture is what sams wearing.

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