Chapter 3 ~ Jamie

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I still can't believe I ask Luke kiss me what was I thinking. The worse thing is during kiss I wanted more to happen like I craved his touch I just assume me being pregnant and my crazy hormones. I want to see him no wait I need to see him.

"Hey we're here," Sophie said as she and Finn walked in. "Thanks for getting groceries," I say to them. "No problem," Finn said. I put up the groceries up and went to change out of PJ's. "I know she going kill but yesterday I saw her and Luke kissing." I heard Hayley say. Why is she telling them this?

"Really?" Finn said. "Yes they were full on making out on the couch," I can't hear no more.

"What you guys talking about?" I ask when I walked in. "Oh nothing," Hayley grins.

"Why you all dressed up?" Sophie asked. "I'm meeting someone later," I say not telling who I was meeting they don't need to know.

"So you meeting Luke for another make out session," Finn said I blushed so hard. Why did Hayley have to tell them? "I have to go," I grabbed my things and left as I heard them laughing. I drive to park and walk to the bench I supposed to meet Luke at. Luke was already waiting for me.

"Hey baby girl," I always love when he calls me that. "Hey Luke," I smile and sit down next to him. "Hey little Emma," he says to my belly. "Emma huh?" I ask.

"I wanted to try it out I actually made a list of baby names I hope that's not weird." He says blushing. "No it's not let me see the list." He grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"The front is girl names and the back boy names." He put a lot of thought into list I bet there was over a hundred names. "I was thinking we try one a day and see what we think about them. When you have one you really like then that's the baby's name." God do I love this boy.

"That's a great idea," I smile. "Let's get something eat I bet Emma hungry." Luke said and I walked to my car. Luke offered to drive which I appreciate because I don't like driving. We stop at an Italian restaurant that I haven't actually been to before.

"This place amazing I can't believe I haven't been here and I lived in this city for years." I tell him. "I found this place the week broke up." He said and I feel a guilty because Luke thinks I was having one night stands while he was crying over us. I know I should tell him the truth but I can't and I hate having act like his the baby's father when he doesn't need to because he is.

The lunch was quiet little talking about great the food was but that's about it. "So how is college here." Luke makes small talk as we drive.

"It's great I love my drama course my professor Daniel in my class says I should TV which makes me happy that one day I might," I tell him. I hope one day I will even being a mother there's amazing actress that are mothers like Angelina Jolie.

"You called your professor by first name?" he said. "Yeah he insists his students to call him that." I shrugged and he nods with this look in his eyes. "Luke are you jealous?"

"No I just thought it weird for your professor to insist that's all." He says in a serious tone. "Alright." I say as we stop but we aren't at my house we are at a hotel.

"Luke why are we here?" I ask him.

"The guys missed you so I thought you could see them for few minutes," I agreed and got out. We went to the elevator as we went up to the 5th floor the elevator stopped as in going up. Luke and I were freaking out I pressed the button over and over again nothing worked.

"Click that red button," Luke yelled. It was a help button I clicked it then I heard a man voice from the speakers. "What is the problem?" the male voice said.

"The elevator is stuck we aren't moving," we yelled. "Alright just hold on we will get you guys out soon." He said.

"How soon?" I ask.

"3 to 4 hours." What? "Okay." Luke said then heard the speaker go off.

"I can't stay in here for 3 hours Luke!" I yelled. "Jamie calm down we are going to be alright."

"No Luke I'm not I need to pee bad." I hate my late of bladder. "Okay how bad on a scale to one to ten."

"I'm at an 8 and I don't get out if here in the next thirty minutes I will be at 11." I tell him doing a weird dancing trying to hold it. "Good thing I brought my bag with us." Now I'm confused how is whatever he has going to help me.

"I see you're confused but the guys and I were going to play this game which needed a bucket, towel paper, and a whole lot of other things."

"I don't want to know what game that's supposed to be but if you think I'm peeing in a bucket then you're mistaken." I not going to do what people have done 200 years ago but I'm certainly not.

"I guess you have to go in three hours then." Luke smirked. I walk around the elevator trying not thinking about it. I see Luke getting something out of his bag it was a bottle of water. He took long and slow sip I know what he trying to do.

"I can see what you're doing and not working." I tell him.

"I don't talking about I'm taking sip of my delicious water," he emphasized on water. I couldn't take this no more I just want to get out of here.

"Fine give me the damn bucket and turn around." He handed me the bucket and towel paper I still can't believe I'm about to do this. After I finished I could hear Luke laughing so hard.

"When we get out if here that stays between you and me or I will tell the people who get us out of here you raped me." I say serious.

"You wouldn't," he said. "Try me."

"Alright I won't tell anyone not even the guys." I sure hope he's telling the truth. After a long moment of silence I finally speak up.

"How long have we been in here?"

"An hour and a half." He groans I can tell he wants to leave just as bad as me. "I'm so bored." I say

"I have a game we can play." He grins like a little boy on Christmas. "Alright what's the game?" I ask him.

"20 questions." He smirks. 

~ Hello here's an update for you guys hope in enjoyed.

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Also where are you all from i'm from Texas.  

Thanks for reading.

Love ya!

Lost Boy {Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now