Chapter 38 ~ Luke

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Two weeks later

"Okay guys do we have everything before we head to the high school," I said after loading up the trunk.

"Yes, now let's get going," Ashton says.

"What's the birthday girls name again?" Michael asked when we arrived.

"I think it's Jenna," I answer and walk towards Jamie's classroom. Of course when walk Isaac was talking to her, I don't know but something about him irks me. It's not like I'm jealous of him I just feel he's trying to do something with my wife. Okay maybe I'm jealous, c'mon who wouldn't be he's looks like someone who came out Calvin Klein ad.

"Hey babe did you bring everything?" Jamie said giving me a quick peck. "Yes where do you want us to set up?" I say and she takes my hand leading me to a stage. The guys and I set up the stage with are amps and instruments.

"Okay I'm going to get Jenna be right back," Jamie smiles leaving and coming back with 4 girls. "Guys this is Jenna and her friends Gwen, Kelly and Alexia," she said.

"Nice to meet you ladies, I heard it's Jenna birthday so me and the guys want to sing a few songs for you." I smile as she screams and hugs me.

"Omg I can't believe this is happening," she gushes and hugs me tightly. "Hey is this the birthday girl," Mikey says running towards us.

"Yeah," she smiles hugging him then Ashton and Calum. "Okay so we have time to sing a few songs so we will take four request." I say and each of them give us a song they like to hear.

After we perform them we did our take on the birthday song. "This has been the best fucking day of my life," Jenna gush and her friends agreed.

"Who wants to take pictures?" Calum asked the girls and the immediately got their phones out. The girls were talking to Ashton and Calum about our new album but I could only focus on how Mr. Perfect was flirting with Jamie and she was completely oblivious.

"Dude you alright?" Michael asked coming back from putting his guitar and amp in the van. "Jamie is clueless to that guy flirting with her." For the past weeks I come by to see Jamie and every time I see him with her laughing, smiling, smirking etc. At first I was jealous but now I'm annoyed can this guy take a hike.

"Why don't you stop him then or talk to Jamie about it." Michael says.

"I did once but she said that he's just a friend nothing else but I know he wants her because he has I want to fuck you look. I know that look because I look at Jamie like that all the time." I state.

"I think you're just jealous because she's talking to an attractive man that's not you I bet he has a girlfriend." Michael says before walking away and maybe he's right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

"Thank you Mrs. Hemmings for making this happen you are by far my favorite teacher," Jenna smiles hugging Jamie and us one more time before leaving with her friends.

"Well everything is packed we have to get going now, see you later baby girl," I say giving her a long kiss practically making out also making sure Mr. Perfect sees.

"Bye babe I love you," she smiles.

"I love you too." I smirk now he knows she mine.

"Dude I know you were jealous but did you have to make out with Jamie in front of everyone," Michael laughs.

"Yes that dick needs to know Jamie is my wife and needs back the fuck off," I huff.

"Luke I think you need a drink who's up to going to the club?" I guess the club will be alright just not get too drunk. "It's settled we are going to the club at nine," Ashton says. That should be alright Jamie did say she's seeing a movie with the girls so I get couple drinks and come back. Then one thing slipped my mind.

"Who's going to watch Lily?" I asked and the guys were in deep thought.

"Hayley could every since she's found out she's pregnant she wants to babysit for practice." Calum says.

"What are you waiting for call her," I say.

"Thanks Hayls for watching Lily I'll try to be back by 12 at the latest. Make sure Lily's asleep in 30 minutes and if she isn't then say you will feed her brussels sprouts that always works," I say walking towards the car.

"Ready to get drunk because I am," I yell as we drove off.

After a couple drinks I was pretty tipsy but wasn't fully drunk I could see the guys dancing or I least I think their dancing. "Hey aren't you Luke Hemmings," I heard a female voice call.

"Yes and you are?" I asked.

"Dina, my daughter and your daughter are friends," She says and I remember that I meet her last week at a birthday party. "Oh yes how are you?" I ask to be polite.

"Just great. Are you here with your wife?" She asked.

"No I'm not I came with my mates," I say and she makes a confused expression.

"Weird I saw her with a woman and a man with her I thought you were with them maybe I'm mistaken." Jamie said she was going to the movies with Sophie and a female friend from work.

"Where did you see them?" I asked and she pointed to a booth in the back on the other side of the dance floor. Surely their was Jamie with her female friend from the school but I didn't see the guy.

"Okay well nice to see you," Dina say getting her drink from the bartender and left. I kept an eye on Jamie trying to decide if I should confront her or not. I was just about to forget about until I saw that son of a bitch Isaac sit down next to her in the booth with more drinks.

Did she lied to me to see him? If so I'm not having it, he's trying to steal my girl and I'm done.

I started walking towards them to make sure he stays away from Jamie for good.

~ well damn shits about to go down

I hope you enjoyed it.

Also I wish 5sos would give me my own private concert. If you could pick only 4 songs for them to sing to what they be( it can be their songs or a song they covered before).

I'm excited for the next chapter if you are too please vote and comment.

Update soon, love you guys❤️

I feel like this mat represents this chapter idk you tell me😅 (or maybe I'm just weird)

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I feel like this mat represents this chapter idk you tell me😅 (or maybe I'm just weird).

Lost Boy {Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now