Chapter 46 ~ Luke

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*not edited*

"Dude it's happening I'm going to be dad any moment now." Calum called from the hospital Hayley went into labor 30 minutes ago.

"You are going to feel amazing when you're baby in your arms, it's the best feeling in the world." I remember when I first held Lily in my arms even though, I didn't know she was my daughter I still wanted to protect her from the world. Keep her away from all the bad.

"Luke what if I'm horrible dad?" Calum worries when he shouldn't worry.

"Nonsense I know you'll be an amazing dad. You great with Lily I know you have great parenting skills." I hope what I'm saying is helping him with his nerves.

"Thanks I need to hear that. So when are you and Jamie getting here?"

"We should be there in 20 minutes now hang and be by your wife side," I laugh when he hangs up immediately. Jamie, Lily and I share a car with Sophie and Michael who are on speaking terms now.

"So do you think it's a boy or girl?" Sophie asks.

"I think it's a boy but I have no clue they wanted it to be a surprise." Michael says and I agree. If we both had boys then they could be best friends like me and Calum.


Once we got to the hospital we had to wait in the waiting while Hayley was in labor. It took three hours until the baby was delivered. "You can come and see him," Calum says smiling. So it is a boy.

"Everyone this is Jacob Tristan Hood." Hayley say holding their son.

"Hey Jacob, I'm aunt Jamie." Jamie speaks in her baby voice coming closer to him. "I would hold him if I wasn't a whale right now." She adds.

"Jamie you are beautiful and in two months we will be holding our baby boy." She smiles at the thought.

"And Jacob will have a play mate," she starts fantasize about the future.

"Definitely they be best buds," Hayley says. After a few hours we left Calum and Hayley alone with Jacob and headed home.


(Few weeks later)

The last few I have been helping Calum and Hayley with Jacob. They literally know nothing about taking care of a baby, but it's alright I take this opportunity for practice for my baby boy.

"So I think I showed you all the basics. Now I have to head home to Jamie."

Once I got home Lily came rushing up to me, "daddy, mommy's peed yourself it's all over the kitchen floor," Lily says pulling me towards the kitchen where Jamie is groaning.

"Baby girl are you alright?" I rush to her and give her some support. "My...water...broke," she says in short breaths. She groans again her contractions are about 6 minutes about right now.  I grab the baby emergency bag and hurry Jamie to the car.  Lily sits in the back and I tell to call my mum then Jamie's mum.

"Yes grandma, mommy is having my brother really soon we are going to the hospital right now," she says to my mum. I ask her to put on speaker.

"Wow right now she wasn't due for another 2 weeks," my mum says.

"Yes it's taken us all by surprise," Jamie says before contracting again.

"Mum we need you to call guys and tell to meet us at the hospital."

"Right on it honey, we will see you soon." She hangs up. We arrived at the hospital not long after and quickly take Jamie inside. "Hello can someone help my wife is in labor." I ask the desk nurse. She pulls up a wheelchair for Jamie and calls the O.B.

"Doctor Richard should be with you and your wife shortly. In the meantime please sign this sir." I fill in the paperwork quickly and wait for Cecelia.

"Look it's the happy couple about to have their son," Cece smiles rolling Jamie to a delivery room.

"How you feeling Jamie?" Cecelia asks once she was settled in the bed.

"Wishing my baby boy was out of me already," she sighs.

"Well you are 8 centimeters so he should be out very soon," Dr. Richard informs. We wait about 20 minutes until Jamie at the full ten centimeters and her contractions are less than four minutes apart.

"Okay Lily I think you should wait outside with grandma," I say as my mum takes her hand leading her outside the room.

"Alright Jamie I need you to start pushing, count of three. One. Two. Three." Jamie crushes my hand as she pushes.

"Good and again." Each push the more tighter she holds my hand. "Come on Jamie I see the head I need to give all you got for this baby boy." Jamie does exactly that she pushes until our son is out crying. We have a son. I cut the umbilical cord and Dr. Richard cleans him up a bit before handing him to us.

"Oh my god he's beautiful," she cries tears of joy. He has small sandy curls, big blue eyes and Jamie's nose. This is our baby boy.

"He looks a like you Luke," Jamie gushes.

"Do you guys have a name pick yet?" Cece asks after awhile. I look at Jamie, "I love the names you picked," I nod.

"Cole Andrew Hemmings." I'm promised my dad my first son will be named after him. After few moments alone with Cole we let our family come in and see him. Everyone was here except Calum and Hayley which is understandable they have a new born too.

"He is absolutely beautiful," my mum says before taking a picture of us and the baby together. "I wanna see my little brother," Lily says rushing towards us.

"He's cute but not as cute as me," Lily says quite serious. "Of course not princess you're always the cutest," I say boosting her ego. She probably going to feel neglected because we will have more attention on the baby, but I don't want her to feel that way. When it starts getting late my parents leave with Lily while Jamie and I stay at the hospital until the morning.

I put Cole in the little bed they gave him and lie next to Jamie. "I can't believe that our son," she smiles looking at him from the bed.

"Yeah he's adorable, going to be a true ladies man. "Just like his father," Jamie adds.

"Well that maybe true but only you have won my heart." I kiss Jamie in sweet and much need kiss. "I love you Jamie."

"I love you too," she yawns going to sleep in my arms as kiss her forehead.


Okay so I decided the next chapter is the last chapter it will be epilogue with both Jamie and Luke's point view and I'll make it longer since it's the chapter. I'll miss writing this book tho.

But on the brighter note Jamie and Luke had their son.

Check out my stories after this one: Beauty; Drummer; Temporary Fix; The Music Teacher; My Best Friend's Daughter; Fuck Boy

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