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Wendy sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She has twenty minutes until the bus arrives, but she wants to stay "home." If she could even consider it that.

She had moved to Baltimore from England, and life seemed easier in her home town of Essex. She never loved Baltimore. She wishes she was back in the UK, where people were kinder and she actually had friends.

Wendy had a friend when she was younger, and his name was Alex. They've known each other since they were five years old, but he moved to Baltimore when they were seven. Wendy wanted to find Alex and hopefully become friends again.

"Wendy!" Her mother called from the kitchen, where she was making breakfast for the family.

Wendy took one deep breath before making her way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Wendy, how are ya?" Her father asked as he read the news paper.

"I don't know..." She replied, picking at a string on the hem of her green dress.

"Oh cheer up, dear! It's your first day at a new school! Make some new friends! Everything will be fine." Her mother encouraged, smiling as she began to eat.

Wendy began mumbling to herself, "Of course, new school means new friends and new torture."

"I heard the bus, up you go kids, see you guys later." Wendy's parents smiled at their kids before sending them off.

There was three separate buses, one for middle school, one for elementary and another for high school.

Wendy sent her brothers off to their buses and went on hers. She took a long, deep breath before looking for an empty seat.

"This seat is taken, ugly. Move to the back." A girl snapped, a disgusted look on her face.

Frowning and walking away, Wendy began searching for a seat in the back and exhaled heavily.

"We don't need your bad breath here." A boy said, and everyone else laughed along.

Wendy finally found an empty seat in the back where barely no one sat, and plopped down by the window.

"Take me back to Neverland..." Wendy said as she looked into the sky.

After a few seemingly one minutes, the bus arrived at a tall building. 'Dulaney High School', the sign read.

Wendy waited for everyone to get off before exiting the bus.

"Be safe, kid." The driver warned her, making Wendy much more nervous.

Anxiety was rapidly building inside of Wendy. With every step she took, her heart beat quickened. She prepared herself mentally as she neared the building that was sure to resemble hell.

"She looks awfully familiar to me," A boy mumbled to his friend as they walked a safe distance behind Wendy. "I think I met her before... I don't know, I must be crazy."

As Wendy reached the main office, she smiled at the receptionist. "I'm a new student." She said to the elderly woman at the front desk.

She smiled back. "Weclome! Tell me your name and I'll find your schedule."

"Wendy Moira Angela Darling." She informed her and waited quietly for feedback.

"Ah, yes, here's your schedule- ALEX!" She yelled, making Wendy flinch.

"Yes, Ms. Jonson?" He said, annoyance in his voice.

"Show this lovely girl to class, you both the same first period."

He, or Alex motioned for Wendy to follow as one of his friends came up to them. "This is Zack." Alex informed her.

"H-hi." Wendy said silently, forcing a smile. "My name is Wendy."

"He's in our class as well, so he'll walk with us." 'Alex' smiled, staring at Wendy a bit too long before he began walking. She looked so familiar and he didn't know why.

Once they got inside, Wendy stood at the front of the classroom along with two other boys she excepted were new as well.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Gilbert." The teachers told Wendy and the others before continuing. "I expect you to follow the rules so we don't have any trouble." She smiled before addressing Wendy. "The girl in the blue, what's your name?"

Wendy kept her eyes to the floor before meeting Mrs. Gilbert's gaze. "Wendy Darling."

Alex, mean while, was in deep in thought. As a kid, he would play with someone who's last name was Darling, and he would 'take her to Neverland, where they will never grow up.'

"Where are you from? You have an astounding accent." Mrs. Gilbert asked Wendy.

"I moved here from Essex, England." She told her.

"Interesting. You can sit in between Merrick and Madden. Guys, raise your hands."

Two boys in the back raised their hands and Wendy took her seat between them.

"Alex said to give you this." Zack whispered to Wendy as he handed her a small piece of paper.

She opened it slowly, and it said, 'Neverland?' Her eyes widened as she looked at Alex, who smiled at her.

Her heart warmed as memories came flooding back to her mind as she realized that Alex, the boy who made her undyingly happy, was sitting in the same classroom as her. If he only understood...


Ay guys if you made it this far and loved/liked it, I love you and thank you so much for reading this story, I made no characters except for Mrs. Gilbert. I would love to thank Amber for helping me write this, ATL for being a band and making Somewhere In Neverland, and Walt Disney for making Peter Pan happen, and you for reading this!

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