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After a few boringly long minutes, it was time to head back to class. Wendy stood up, dusting her dress and waited for Alex to lead her to their next class.

"We have Drawing and Painting for two periods next, lucky you." Alex said, smiling as they walked to class. "You're to love Ms. Lee! She's the funniest teacher, she lets us draw anything, well not anything, but you know what I mean."

"Geez, Alex," Wendy laughed. "I can't wait to meet her then."

As they both entered the room, Wendy stood at the front, not sure where to sit.

"Welcome, Wendy!" Ms. Lee said, rubbing her chin and looking around the classroom. "You can take a seat besides Jasey. Jas, stand up."

Jasey rolled her eyes as she stood up. Wendy silently went over to the table next to Jasey and sat down.

"Alright, yesterday we were talking about Reference Paintings. I passes around pictures of places and rooms other people drew. Today, think of anything that you remember and just paint it. I'll you each about thirty minutes and after that I'll call each of you up to explain your drawing, begin." Ms. Lee said quickly, she smiled at everyone before going to her computer and researching pictures.

Wendy looked at the others grabbing materials from around the room, and began doing the same. She raked her memory for something to paint.

Her house in England. The house seemed small on the outside, but was actually large on the inside. There was many trees surrounding the house, making it look beautiful in the fall.

Wendy painted the finishing touches on her picture a few minutes before time was up. It was rushed, but came out quite good.

She sat there, staring at the drawing before hearing, "Time is up!" and flinching a bit.

As everyone went up, none of the pictures were similar. All were in different places, different seasons, some did a picture of their room to pass time.

"Wendy," Ms. Lee said, trying to grab Wendy's attention, "Come up dear."

Wendy got up from her seat and walked to the front. "This is a painting of my old house in Essex, England." She started. "It shows what it looks like in the fall. Leaves falling off the trees, slowly making their way to ground. The sun in the bottom right corner is setting as the moon in the top right is shining dimly. Fall was my favorite season, for this obvious reason."

"I love how you explained everything about the painting, and they way its beautifully constructed," Ms. Lee smiled. "You could put the drawing on my desk and you'll receive a grade on it tomorrow."

Wendy placed her painting on the desk before heading back to her seat.

"All right we have a little bit of time left. Write your homework down." Ms. Lee stood up, taking a book along with her and heading over to the chalk board. '1: Read chapter 17: Reference Paintings. 2: Drawing anything you see when you walk back home. 3: Bring a painting you did on your own time.'

Wendy copied everything down in her agenda and began packing up. She saw Ms. Lee coming her way with a book in her hand. "Here you go," Wendy simply smiled, taking the book from her hands and shoving the book inside her backpack. She had one class left.

Jasey quickly took Alex's hand and began walking off. "Great..." Wendy mumbled under her breath. That was her guide to her class.

She quickly saw Zack and approached him. "Uh, hi, Alex left with his girlfriend and I don't know how to get to class from here.."

"Its cool, you can walk with me back." Zack smiled and began walking with Wendy. "So, tell me about yourself, you and Alex had a pretty cook friendship as a kid."

"Well... I, uh, paint a lot. You should see my room. I write songs sometimes. But they never turn out good. I.." Wendy didn't know what else to say, she didn't have many hobbies.

"Lost for words?" Zack suggested and Wendy nodded. "I'll talk.. I'm in a band surprisingly. I play bass for it. I do nothing else. Well, other then being a student in this school."

Wendy laughed. "You have an amazing life." Wendy said jokingly. Zack lightly punched her arm and smiled.

Silence filled the air between the two of them, nothing but comforting silence.

They made it to class and sat down in their seats, listening to the teacher go on and on about expressing yourself through writing. After a long twenty one minutes, he writes down their homework and sends them home.

"Hey Wendy." Alex smiled but quickly frowned when she rolled her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Well, if it wasn't for Zack, I would've gotten lost. Now excuse me, I need to catch the bus." Wendy pushed past him and stormed away.

The bus ride wasn't long, so Wendy stood there for minutes, waiting for her brothers to get home.

After they came, they all went inside and Wendy went directly to her room. Not bothering to say hello to her parents.

Just one little thing, it could ruin everything.


ojckwkfoskd heeyyyy oops i love you kittens and thank you for reading, pls vote and share and comment and i will give you cookies xx

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