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Wendy sighed in frustration, running her hand through short hair as she reread the assignment she was supposed to do.

She picked up the pencil once again and began writing she needed for the essay.

"Why is this so difficult?" Wendy said silently to herself, frowning slightly. "I don't want a F on my first English task."

There was a knock on the door, making Wendy jump a bit. "Come in." She said, turning around.

"Honey, someone's at the door for you. He looks like a old friend of yours." Wendy's mother said as she opened the door before smiling widely and walking away, leaving the door wide open.

"So much for being alone and enjoying the darkness," Wendy sighed, dropping everything she had in her hand and getting up.

She walked into the living room to see Alex there, talking to her mother.

"Why didn't you tell me you saw Alex today?!" Her mother smiled, getting up from her seat. Of course, confused, Wendy stood by the hall.

"Hey Wendy!" Alex said, his voice a bit chirpy.

"Hi." Wendy smiled a bit, more like an uncomfortable smile. "Um, is there anything you need? How did you get here?"

"I saw where you live when you left the bus.."

"Most houses look the same. Anyways, I'm really busy. Unless you want to help, I'm all ears but if its anything else, I can't be bothered."

"Nice choice of words." Alex smirked, staring at Wendy a bit. She is wearing a large Blink-182 shirt, along with knee socks. "I just need to tell you something."

"Uh fine, come to my room." Wendy gave in, waiting for Alex to get up and follower her.

"You listen to Blink?" he said, following Wendy inside her room and onto her bed.

"Yeah, one of my favorite bands really." She smiled and went to go find shorts. "Sorry its dark in here. I like the darkness and it makes me kind of focused. Could you turn the lights on for me?"

"Sure." Alex got up from her bed and went near the door, finding the light switch and flicking it up.

"Thanks," Wendy mumbled silently and grabbed a pair of shorts from her drawer. "Turn around." Alex did as so and Wendy quickly put on the pants.

Wendy made her way to Alex and took his hand, pulling him over to his bed. "Is there is a reason you're here?"

"No, I just want to bother you." Alex smirked, playing with Wendy's fingers. "Uh- sorry."

"Its fine." She smiled at him, staring at his chocolate colored eyes.

"Well, I'm actually here to say sorry... Um, Jasey told me that she doesn't want me anywhere near you because she doesn't want me to cheat on her with you. I keep telling her, 'No, no that's not going to happen. I swear, I really like you and I would never do that.' But she doesn't believe me."

"Girls can really get mad or scared and start to feel untrustworthy to males when it comes to see them with other girls, I get it. Its just, new school, I don't know a lot of people and I didn't know where the classes were at or how to get there. I'm kind of happy you introduced me to Zack, if it wasn't for him, I would've gotten lost."

"I'm really sorry about that, Wen."

"You're using the nickname you gave me when I was younger, well, except for Tinker." Wendy began smiling as memories came back.

"I never forgot, especially sine we have a day called Wednesday." Alex chuckled, pushing Wendy just a bit.

"Ha ha. Very funny Alex."

"I get that a lot." Alex smirked again. "I like your room. It kind of looks like mine, well, except for the canvas everywhere."

"Its not my fault that I really love drawing!" Wendy laughed, throwing her arms up in the air. "Its my hobby. Drawing inspires me and helps me calm myself. Kind of like you. Music helps you, you write music. I love art, drawing calms me, so that's why I draw."

"I understand." Alex smiled, staring at Wendy for a bit. "Anyways, you said you like Blink-182."

"Yeah, I love them. I always have since I was thirteen."

"Ooh, someone I know who's known them longer than me." Alex lightly nudged Wendy on the side, making her giggle a bit. "I've known them since I joined high school, I heard them playing at this sort of freshmen dance."

"Oh, nice." Wendy smiled, not knowing what to say anymore.

The two began talking things from when they were younger and things they love now. Reminiscing on memories until it was time for Alex to leave.

"I have to go now, I don't want my parents thinking I was kidnapped or something." Alex said, laughing a bit at his choice of words.

"Yeah its fine." Wendy smiled before getting up and making her way to Alex to give him a hug. "See you tomorrow."

Alex just nodded and left, a huge smile on his face because he had found his friend he had known since he was little, who wouldn't smile at that.

Wendy went back to her room, packing up everything and making a mental note to say to the English that she didn't understand anything and had a bit of a 'family problem.' They would understand, right?


ayy guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! pls vote share and comment for me plsspllpsslpplslpspls i love you kittens so much have a nice day!

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