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Alexa POV

      Why must it be so hard? Why can't society accept difference? Why does a "normal" person have a good life. Does normality have to invade every inch of my life? Yes I'm different... Yes I'm out of the crowd...

But so what? Being gay makes your life so much more rainbowrific. I can be who I want to be and love who I want to love, without having to please society. I mean, girls are beautiful... Guys are beautiful. People are beautiful... The sky is clear, with a nice bright sunlight beaming on my gay skin... My life is just perfect. I'm happy. This is me.

      Of course I wish my thoughts would help out my reality. Truth to be told, no one knew I'm gay. For then, nobody cared. That is until everyone found out and then I became the center of attention and everyone stuck their noses into my business... All because I like vagina. So what? We all came out of one at the beginning of our interesting life cycles. Didn't we? Yes we did. So all hail vagina.

      Now I never realized what my future had in store for me, but boy is it something I never expected. Love.

      "I didn't know that for people like you, love existed." Yup. Thank you for that narsitistic comment society. Aren't you nice... But yes. Love does exist for GAY people as well. But before I was face to face with love, I never quite understood the concept of it. All through high school, they explained love, as if monkeys mated and created a little baby monkey. Woah. Love seems interesting. I also had the belief that love was a myth. Something that didn't exist. It was just something used in Disney movies. I mean, I watched people fall in love, and then fall into my arms for support because "love sucks. Love hurts." And it got me thinking. If it hurts so much, why get into it? What I never realized is that sometimes, the hurt is worth it.

      I know. I shouldn't be talking. I NEVER experienced love. Lies. Cheats. Off with your heads. I did experience "gay" love... And it was the best thing I ever went through. Some people are worth fighting for. Some people are worth all the pain. It's actually hard to explain.... But I fell for her.

      Lynn. She is many things, but I should start from the beginning. It all started last year...

It's Paris, not P-virusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora