Coffee House Soundtrack

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Lynn POV

"If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got. "
Kurt Cobain was right. Death seemed more peaceful than the loudness of life outside. Which is why I enjoy venturing out into small places. I've always seen the small vinyl shop when I drove by. In fact, I've seen it for years. I just had a busy schedule before. But now, all is calm and quiet. And I quite liked it. Finally after like forever, I decided it was time to visit the little place that seemed quite exquisite.

When I walked in however, it seemed like a fantasy to me. It looked like a scene from my dreams. It was beautiful, gorgeous. The place didn't have the mainstream music, but the core of music. And my heart dropped when they began to play Nirvana. It was like the angels were saying, "Yup Lynn, look around. This is heaven."

And they were right. It was heaven. All of it. The smell, so filled with history. The look, so vibrant and different. The sounds, nothing but happiness. Nothing negative.

Of course me being me, I didn't really care much what people would think if I began to sing. So I did. The liveliness as I did so. Nobody stopped me. If anything, people encouraged it. I felt like at home.

And then out of the corner of my eye, I see someone standing there, humming along to the song. I turned around and damn, she was gorgeous. Her hair, so outrageous and different. Her outfit, simple yet grunge looking. A simple leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and black skinny jeans. She looked beautiful. And her voice, magical.

I caught myself blushing when she looked at me. She did the same.

After a brief talk, we decided to leave and go get even more coffee, because we weren't hyper enough. She was so cute, and pretty tall. Then again, I am pretty short. As we were leaving the place I now call heaven, Alexa turned around and smiled at the guy behind the counter. He seemed pretty cool.

"Bye Gus!" She waved at him and faced me with a smile.

"Who's Gus?" I asked as my nose twitched, again.

"Um Gus is the owner of the vinyl shop, but to me, he is like my second father." She ran her fingers through her hair. Oh how I'd love to touch her hair.

"That's cool. I'd love to have a deep connection with someone as cool as him." I looked down at our feet, which I found funny.

"I'll hook you up with him. Not like dating. I-I mean like a friend." She covered her extremely reddened face with her hands.

I laughed slightly, at how embarrassed she felt. It was quite funny. I quickly uncovered her face, smiling at her. We stared at each other for a good ten seconds, making this moment a staring competition. Of course right when I was about to win, my nose twitched, causing me to blink.

"Damn it." I let go of her hands and pouted slightly, my bottom lip sticking out slightly.

She chuckled and looked up at the sky. Ah, the weather. It was a typical fall day. Sunny clear skies with a cool wind. The autumn sun made her hair look even more majestic.

"So darling, what should I know about you?" Alexa asked, breaking my trance of admiration. Immediately, my cheeks blushed, face now completely flustered, I looked at her.

"Well, My nose twitches a lot. It's just a habit." I looked down and chuckled. "Um, I love food and sleep, I really like to breathe, and blink. That's cool too." I looked at her with PROUD just written all over me.

She looked at me for a second, no expression, right before she had a bright smile on her face along with a chuckle.

"No way. Me too! I like to blink in my free time." She said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Haha. Funny. But um, I love cats. They are just so wittle and adowable and awe." I sent her a quirky smile before continuing. "Um, I love to make music. I actually play in a band, PVRIS. We are just starting so we're not too big. "

She smiled as we got to the coffee shop around the corner. Alexa opened the door for me and that made me feel special.

"Thank you sir." I chuckled, walking in.

"No problem ma'am." She smiled slightly as she got in line.

We ordered and I got my caramel macchiato and she got a peppermint mocha. I wanted to pay but she insisted on paying and before I could debate any more, she already payed.

"I'm paying next time." I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to make it seem like I was mad, but obviously I failed for she burst out laughing. We sat down and she looked at me, a genuine smile on her face.

"So Lynn, why P-Virus?" She asked with smile as she sipped her coffee.

I chuckled. "It's pronounced Paris. The A is a V because of legal issues. You're not the first to call us P-virus." I said as I slowly sipped the goodness in a cup.

"Oh I'm sorry love. " she looked at me. "Anything else."

I thought for awhile before looking at her once more. "I love to explore and take pictures...and I'm gay." I looked at her as I blushed, hoping she wasn't a homophobic person because that would suck butt. But instead, she seemed to look very excited and very happy.

"I'm gay too." She smiled at me. I felt a rush of relief run through me.

"Twins!" I chuckled. I looked at her once more, except this time, my heart fluttered at the sight of her.

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