Mama this surely is a dream

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Alexa POV

(Two weeks later)

A dream. Happiness. It always starts with the calm before the storm. Then comes the scandal and then the heartbreak. It always goes in that order. Was I worried that if I got close to Lynn, then our friendship would dwindle away like all my hopes and dreams?

Most people believed that I would answer that question with a solid yes. But, I'd like to say no for a change. With Lynn, I felt different. I felt secure. I felt like I had to shield her from the negativity in the world. She was like a little cute kitten who's not able to experience the world. She was my eye candy. My world. My dream. My little, happy dream.

What has happened for all this time? Life has went on. The sun has risen and set. Oh, and Lynn and I grew closer. Minute by minute.

Today the day was beautiful and clear. It was quiet. I decided to take a walk through the city, to see if anything has changed. I let my hair loose, putting on a Seether shirt on along with a black leather jacket. I pulled on black skinny jeans with combat boots and walked out.

As I walked down the streets of the city, I tried calling Lynn but she didn't answer. I shrugged and walked on, knowing that everything was fine. Or so I hoped.

As I turned the corner, I walked into a newly opened Starbucks cafe. My heart pounded, my smile growing wider. Coffee was like my thing. I couldn't go a day without it. I walked in and ordered a cup of cotton candy frappucino, something different. It was one of Lynn's favorites. Which is typical for her. Weird and crazy. As I payed, the barista girl sent me small smiles. I smiled back, not trying to be rude. She even put a heart next to my name on the cup. That was kind of cute. With a smile on my face, I walked out and headed towards a nearby park.

The autumn days were getting prettier by the minute. Colorful leaves falling to the ground. The suttle breeze playing soft music to me. I walked through the park, the colorful leaves falling at my feet. A gentle fall breeze rushing through m hair, sending chills down my spine. My black leather jacket swaying with the wind. As I walked, I saw someone sitting on the park bench. It was Lynn. I smiled at the sight of her. She looked like pure art. Beautiful and perfect in every way. The way the sun hit her porcelain face. I giggled softly as I snuck up behind her without her noticing. Wrapping my arms around her and I chuckled.

"Hola." I softly kissed her cheek.

She jumped in my arms, quickly melting into them with a smile. Her embrace, warming my heart with every second. Her touch, as soft as silk. Her giggle, as reassuring as the beautiful weather. Her beauty, just out of this world.

"Hello. It's me." She answered in a low voice as she looked at me. I looked at her with slight confusion, but my smile grew.

"Did I sexually seduce you with my charming voice?" Lynn was...Weird. Only she would ask me that.

I rolled my eyes and kissed her temple before sitting down next to her.

"Yes totally." I answered sarcastically as I looked down at the ground. "For a moment, I thought you were pulling an Adele on me." As I looked back at her, she just had a pleading look on her face. Her eyes, widened with happiness, her whole body just showing exasperation. I knew what she wanted.

My coffee drink.

I rolled my eyes again as I let out a chuckle, handing Lynn my drink. I payed almost ten bucks for that, but it was worth seeing her happiness. She didn't verbally say thank you. That's how excited she was. But I knew she was thankful when she cuddled up into my side. Her small body, practically wrapped into a ball, cuddling into my side as she usslowly sipped the pink content.

I smiled down at her, happy to hold her in my arms. The sun beating down on my face, giving off an even more warming feeling. I smiled and began playing with her hair, to which she responded cutely.

She finished that drink pretty quickly, and I knew her sugar rush would kick in at any moment. But to my surprise, she just stayed rather quiet, not connecting with the rest of the world. She seemed, silent.

To me, silence was violent. It eats you up on the inside, killing every sense of normality and abnormality that makes each person unique. It makes you think. Overthink. Silence is never good. It makes you think of all the mistakes you make as a human being.

I looked down at Lynn, whose big brown eyes were looking up at me. She was smirking. I felt my face heat up with a blush. My heart beating faster. Why was she smirking?

"Why are you so silent? Is everything okay?" She asked in a soft soothing voice.

I realized what a hypocrite I was. Not only did I just appall silence, but I was silent myself.

"Yeah...I was just looking at the pretty scenery. What about you? You were silent." I looked down at her small form, once again cuddled into me.

"Oh. I was just thinking of something beautiful." Her eyes wandered down to the ground, her grin growing and her blush becoming more visible.

"And what is this beautiful thing that is wandering your mind?" I asked with a short chuckle. She looked up at me, no expression showing on her face.

"You." She simply answered. 

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