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Running out on to the field was Grayson's favorite part of football practice. The cheerleaders never failed to not show up.

"Hey Grayson check out Blair pretty much ripping her clothes off over there." Dante said while slapping Grayson on his bare back. Blair was a girl who seemed hard to get at first and now Grayson cant seem to shake her off.

"Dude really lay off." Grayson shoved Dante, Dante just laughed it off. "Get over there and lets run play sixteen." 

"Yo!" Dale held his hands in the air waiting for Grayson to throw the ball, so he did but Dale failed to catch it.

Grayson loved playing sports, it was something he was good at. Even though Grayson maintains straight A's in his classes and scores really high on tests he never feels like he fits in.

Football practice was two hours long and not one cheerleader left, they all stayed and watch.

"Hey, i can get you water." Blair met Grayson at the table where the footballers go after practice for water. She extended her arm offering him a full paper cup of cold water.

"Thank you." Grayson said taking the cup.

"Good practice." Blair extended her neck and kissed him on the lips.

"Thanks." Grayson said, he could tell Blair was staring at him admiring his honey brown hair that was medium length on top and buzzed cut on the sides, his green eyes and long brown eyelashes.

"So, Grayson tonight is girl's night but i was hoping i could sneak you in." she stepped closer touching his hard stomach ignoring the fact he was drenched in sweat.

"I cant tonight, you know that i have a math exam tomorrow." Grayson took a sip of the water and began walking towards the field house.

"Oh come on i can help you study." Blair followed him. "Come on, please?" Blair grabbed his wrist making him stop.

"Sorry Blair not tonight." Grayson gently pulled his wrist out of her grip and walked away.

"He will pay for this." Blair whispered to herself.

The smell of man funk traveled in the air inside the field house. Lockers were in the back and a weight lifting room was in the front. 

"You hitting the showers?" Dante's locker was right next to Grayson. 

"I dont have time, i have to meet someone." Grayson said stuffing his Nike duffle bag with gym clothes. Dante was Grayson's friend they both played football and baseball together. Dante was the same height as Grayson, yet he had tan skin, brown eyes, short eyelashes, full lips, and eyebrows that were so perfect he has to get them done every Tuesday.

"Oh, who?" Dante stuffed his bag with gym clothes also. 

"Some girl, who has my notes for physics, its not Blair." Grayson swung his bag over his shoulder and roughly shut his locker. "Catch you later man." Grayson smacked Dante on the back and walked away.

He could feel the weight of the clothes on his right shoulder but it didn't bother him to much. The air was muggy and hot as he made his way towards the softball field. A girl named Brit begged Grayson for his notes and she will willingly excited to give him something in return so he agreed. When he was getting closer to the softball field he could see the girls swinging fiercely hitting the ball far out seeming like it was going to hit the sky. 

"Hey, have you seen Brit?" Grayson pressed his body gently against the fence.

"Yeah ill go get her." he watched one of the teammates go get Brit. While looking at all the girls without thinking he spotted someone familiar. She was short, fit body, blond wavy hair that was tied up into a ponytail.

"Hey!" Brit said startling Grayson.

"Oh hey, you got the notes." Grayson said sneaking a glance at the girl.

"Yeah here you go." she stood on her tippy toes and dropped his notebook over the fence landing in the dirt.

"Wow for a football player i figured you would of caught that." Brit smirked looking into his eyes but he wasnt looking into hers.

"Whos, that girl about to pitch now." Grayson finally said pointing his finger through the fence.

"Oh her, thats Sadie." Grayson's stomach turned.

"She plays Softball?" He scratched his head with amazement.

"Yeah she has been playing her whole life i heard, but whatever." Brit shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. 

"Oh wow i didnt know that."

"Of course, cause you dont know her." Brit shrugged her shoulders again and walked away.

He stared at her swing the bat as hard as she could making her upper body twist. Everyone clapped at her hit, she smiled putting her head down and kicking the dirt.

"Yo man, what do you think?" Startled Grayson he looked behind him to see Dale holding his bag in his hands making his biceps flex.

"They alright, never watched them play before." Grayson looked away to face the field but Sadie was no longer batting.

"Yeah, i helped a few girls on the team to get better, one of them is captain now." Grayson looked at Dale staring at his five o'clock shadow.

"Which ones did you help?" Grayson said adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"Oh, Sadie was already good but i helped her, Brit, Kaylee, and Sarah." Grayson squinted his eyes wondering how Dale would help a softball team.

"Who's captain?" Grayson said looking back at a girl batting.

"Sadie, like dude have you never even heard about the softball team?" Grayson felt alarmed at the fact Sadie was captain.

"Yo man i gotta go, catch you later." Grayson said completely ignoring his question.

"Yeah...yeah man catch you later." Dale said but Grayson was already a hundred feet away.

Grayson opened the door to his sorority home to see a bunch of guys hovered over a ping pong table.

"Grayson! my man!" Dante yelled holding his hands up in the air. "Come play, we playing let me do her!" Grayson waved his hand and walked up stairs. The house smelled like pine and men cologne. It was when you walked into the rooms you were hit with a foul smell. He walked up to his room and swung open the door.

"Oh my gosh took you long enough." A girl laid on his bed in the dark, this tends to happen a lot so he didnt dare turn on the lights. "I have been waiting for you for a while now." 

"Who is this." Grayson raised his eyebrow annoyed at how girls have no shame in just throwing themselves at him.

"Turn on the light and you will find out." Her voice was high pitched, and seductive. Grayson flicked on the light to see her with a black lace bra and a thin black thong. She sat up slowly raising her left leg up and then back down.

"Why dont you come join me." Grayson shut the door behind him so nobody would see that a half naked girl was in his room. "Grayson, dont you want to join me?" She raised her eyebrow hoping to get the response she wants. "Just a quicky." she smirked and then blew a slow kiss. "Come to me."

"And what about Blair?" Grayson asked.

"She doesnt have to know, and she wont find out either."

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