chapter four

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A week passed and Kaylee felt herself breaking apart more each day. She wanted to see Damien. She needed to see Damien.

She dashed herself to the police station and Barry Hicks cursed loudly when she knocked over a stack of files he had just organized.

"I am sick and damn tired of you and your brother doing that!" he yelled. "Thank heaven there is only two more months before I get to retire and never step foot in this place again!"

"Sorry." Kaylee said and she bent to help clean the files up. Tyler grabbed her by the arm gently and pulled her back upright.

"I'll help clean this up." he said. "You look like you're not feeling very good."

"Gee thanks, Tyler." Kaylee said dryly. "You're such a charmer." Tyler's face turned red and he shook his head.

"I.. I.. didn't.. I didn't mean it like that." he stammered. Kayleb walked up with a laugh and wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders.

"Don't bother trying to change your story now." he said to Tyler as he led Kaylee over to their desks. "Cheer up, buttercup, maybe there will be somebody to kill today." Kayleb said to Kaylee with a grin. Kaylee flopped down in her chair and glared at him.

"I liked you better when you hated the world." she mumbled. Kayleb frowned as he sat down.

"Still haven't heard anything from the demon guy?"

"Damien." Kaylee corrected him. Kayleb shrugged.

"Sure, him."

"No I haven't heard anything from him."

"You've known him a long time, don't you know how to get in touch with him?" Kaylee rolled her eyes as she opened a file and hid her face behind it.

"I don't know anything about him other than his name is Damien and he's a demon."

"You want me to ask around about him? I might be able to find him." Kayleb said, sitting down in his chair and stretching out his long legs.

"No." Kaylee replied quickly, without lowering the file from her face. "I won't chase after him. When he wants to talk, he'll come to me."

"How are you so calm about this?" Kayleb with disbelief and a hint of jealousy. "Hell I was a damn wreck when I was apart from Vanessa."

"You're a man. I'm a woman."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kayleb demanded.

"You're a wuss and I'm not." she replied.

"No, you're a bitch." Kayleb grumbled and Kaylee looked over her file and couldn't help but smile at the beaten puppy look on her brothers face.

"That would be really insulting if it wasn't technically true." she replied. Kayleb was about to reply when Chief Michaels walked out of his office.

"Kayleb, you got anything on that jewel heist case?' he asked in his gruff, always angry, voice.

"I was going to head over there this morning." Kayleb replied. Chief Michaels crossed his arms over his chest and let out an irritated breath, causing the wispy hairs of his mustache to blow away from his lip.

"I am going to head over there right now." Kayleb amended as he stood up. "God Chief, you're nothing but a regular old slave driver." he added and the smallest of smiles pulled at the chiefs lips. Kayleb walked away, patting Tyler on the back and blowing Susie Tortilonni a kiss before leaving the station.

"I liked him better when he was a miserable ass." the chief said and Kaylee nodded in agreement. "I got a call a minute ago, I need you to get over to Hagarty and deal with a group of subs. They're under the tenth street bridge and rumor has it they're dealing drugs to minors."

Kaylee and Damien (6th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now