Chapter 11

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"Who is this?!" Dean asked stepping into the room, looking at the unfamiliar man.
"Well hello to you too," Gabriel joked.

"Hey, it's okay," Tori said standing up, "This is Gabriel. The angel that we were talking about before. He's guardian angel."

"You're what?" Sam asked, a little confused.
"She said guardian angel, Sammy boy," Gabriel spoke up.
"How do you know my-" Sam started.

"Your name? Oh please everyone knows about the famous Sam and Dean Winchester. Plus being her angel, I learned more about you guys." Gabriel explained.

"But you're a trickster, this could all be a trick," Dean said cautiously.
"Well it could be...but it's not. Maybe in due time, you'll learn to trust me. Guardian angels are not just something you joke about. Tell me, if I wasn't her guardian angel, would I have came to her when she was in need the other day?" Gabriel smirked.

"He's telling the truth Dean," Castiel spoke up. Jenna was still leaning into Cas, listening to the conversation, but too tired to say anything.

"Okay...we'll trust you, but I swear if you pull any funny business-" Sam began.
"You'll what? Kill me? Good luck with that," Gabriel said.

"Guys can you just stop!" Tori spoke up, "I trust him, and don't want you guys to fight."
"You heard the girl," Gabriel smirked putting an arm around Tori.
"Fine," Sam said walking to the bathroom a little angry to change out of his suit.

"I have to go now, but if you ever call or are ever in trouble, I'll be there for you," Gabriel said looking into Tori's eyes.
"Thank you," she smiled, hugging her angel. He hugged her back and when they pulled away, Gabriel disappeared.

By now, Jenna had fallen asleep with Castiel's arm around her to keep her from falling off the bed. Once Sam came back out, Dean went in to change also.

"Sam you don't have to be like that towards Gabriel," Tori spoke up.
Sam sighed, "I know...I just don't want anything to happen to you or your feelings to be hurt," He explained.

Tori gave him a hug, "Thanks, but don't worry about me too much," she smiled. A few minutes later, Dean came out of the bathroom in the usual flannel that he always seemed to be wearing.

"Okay, angel boy, your times up," Dean said walking over to him. Cas removed his arm around Jenna and Dean picked her up on his arms.

"Mmm, I don't wanna get up," Jenna protested, her eyes still closed.
Dean chuckled, "You don't have too, you can go back to sleep. You might want to get into more comfortable clothes though," he suggested.

Jenna mumbled something and lazily walked into the bathroom to get changed. "Dean she is such a wonderful human," Castiel smiled.

Dean glared at him, "Yeah well she's mine. I don't care if you guys are friends, but nothing more," he warned.
"I sense that she likes you. I will not take her away from you. I haven't seen you this happy in a while," Cas said.
"Thank you," Dean mumbled as Castiel vanished to do whatever it was that angels did.

Jenna came out of the bathroom in one of Dean's shirts and her sweatpants. "Is this mine?" Dean tugged on her shirt.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, I hope you don't just looked more comfortable," Jenna said.

"I didn't say you could wear it," Dean said.
"Oh..well," Jenna started.
"I'm kidding," he ruffled her hair, "You look beautiful in my clothes," he said, kissing her forehead.

"JEAN!" Tori called out.
"Okay, this is the second time you've said that, what is Jean?" Dean turned to Tori.
"Oh, just your guys' ship name," Tori smirked.
"What? What's a ship name?" Dean asked.
"Well.." Tori began.

"Nevermind her," Jenna mumbled tugging on Dean's hand as she pulled him to the bed, "I'll explain some other time."

She got under the covers as Dean got in on the other side, pulling her towards him. "Okay," Dean said, "Goodnight Beautiful." He kissed her forehead one more time as Jenna mumbled a goodnight and fell back asleep.

"So did you get any more info about the case?" Tori asked Sam, watching tv with him.
"Well we're positive that it's a werewolf now. Most of the cases have been happening around the same bar, so that's where we're gonna be looking later," Sam explained.

"And we can go with you right?" Tori asked.
"Yes, but you have to stay with us the whole time. We'll give you guys some tips before we go, but you must listen to everything we say," he said.

"Okay," Tori smiled.
"What did you guys do with Cas earlier? He seemed in an incredibly happy mood," Sam asked.
Tori laughed, "Oh well, we listened to music, taught him to dance, Jenna tried to teach him social media, and we watched a movie."

"You taught him to dance?" Sam laughed.
"Well sorta, Jenna tried to teach him, but he's not that good," she laughed.

"We had him there to watch you guys, but it seems like you were doing the babysitting," Sam joked.
"He's really fun for an angel, he doesn't understand a lot of things, but that makes it funnier," Tori said.

Tori and Sam watched tv a little more and Tori soon fell asleep, leaning on Sam's shoulder. He pulled the blanket over her a little more and fell asleep not long after her. 

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