Chapter 13

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Tori stared at her angel for a few seconds before pulling him into a hug. Her arms wrapped around his neck as Gabriel wrapped his arms around Tori's waist. "Thank you," she mumbled into his chest.

They pulled away, but still had their arms around eachother. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Ever," Gabriel told her.

A few seconds later Jenna, Dean, and Sam ran over to Gabriel and Tori. "Are you okay?" Sam asked right away.

"She's fine, thanks to me," Gabriel smirked at Sam. Tori put her hand on Gabriel's arm, signaling not to start a fight.
"I'm okay Sam, thanks," She smiled at him. Sam was a little pissed at Gabriel's words, but knew that Tori didn't want them to fight, so he kept quiet.

Jenna walked over to Tori pulling her into a hug, glad that her friend was okay.

"What do we do about the body?" Jenna asked, looking at the dead werewolf. Gabriel snapped his fingers and the body vanished before their eyes.
"There, problem solved," Gabriel smiled.

"Okay then, we're done here, let's head back to the car," Dean said. He wrapped his arm around Jenna's waist as the group, including Gabriel, started walking out of the forest.

Gabriel reached out to grab Tori's hand, which she glad accepted. "Thank you again, Gabriel," she said, walking with her angel.
"It's my job," he smiled, "I want to protect you keep you safe."

"Are you always watching over me, or like how do you know when I'm in trouble?" Tori asked, curious.
"Well, I do watch over you from time to time, but when I'm not and you're in trouble, this little signal goes off in my head that make me realize that you need me," Gabriel explained.

"Oh wow," Tori said, "So what makes you my guardian angel? Like were you assigned to me or...? Tori trailed off.

"Well," Gabriel began, "If you're an angel, you get the decision of wanting to be someone's guardian. It's completely up to you, you don't have to be anyone's guardian of you don't want to. If you do, however, choose to be one, you have complete free will of who you want to watch over. Most angels choose someone who they connect with and are compatible with. Someone that they see good in, but needs help escaping the darkness sometimes. Now when you choose, you have the ability to see their heart, desires, and dreams. I choose you because your heart shone the brightest out of everyone else's that I saw. You have a beautiful soul, my dear," Gabriel explained.

Tori was at a loss for words as she took in all of what Gabriel had told her. The two stopped walking as the rest of the group walked on. Gabriel turned towards her, bringing one of his hands to the side of her face and the other hand around her waist. He slowly leaned down towards her as their lips connected. It was short, but to Tori, it was everything. "I've been wanting to do that from the moment I laid eyes on you," Gabriel said in a low voice.

"Hey, what happened to Gabriel and Tori?" Dean asked, noticing their disappearance. Jenna looked back and saw the two in each other's arms.
"Hey love birds, we're leaving and we're not gonna wait for you!" Jenna laughed as they approached the car.

Tori blushed and hugged Gabriel as the caught up with the group.
"I have to go now, but you know I'm always watching over you," Gabriel told her as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. He kissed her cheek and disappeared.

"Damn you're lucky I don't have a ship name for you two," Jenna smirked, getting into the front passenger seat. Everyone got in the car as they headed back to the motel. Dean absent mindidly picked up Jenna's hand and held it the whole way back.

In no time, they were back and walked into their room, putting their guns and knives away in a weapon bag. Tori noticed that Sam still looked a little pissed about the whole thing so she spoke up, "Hey Jenna, Dean? Do you mind giving me a moment to talk to Sam alone?" She asked them.

"Sure thing," Dean said, taking Jenna's hand and walking outside to stand next to the Impala.

"Hey Sam, are you okay? I don't want you to be angry with me," Tori said.
"What? I could never be angry at you. I'm angry at myself for letting you out of my sight," Sam admitted.

"Sam, it wasn't your fault. The werewolf came and we all just ran off, I'm okay now. Please don't blame yourself," Tori said.
"I know, I just don't want anything to happen to you because of me. I couldn't live with myself," Sam said.
Tori walked over and gave the moose a big hug as he hugged her back, "It's okay, I'd do the same for you," Tori smiled.


"What's up with Sam and Tori?" Dean asked.
"I think Sam's upset that he wasn't protecting her the whole time. It's okay, they'll work it out," Jenna smiled, leaning against the car.

"Well in the mean time..." Dean began. He walked in front of Jenna and placed his hands on her waist as he leaned in to kiss her. She kissed him back, but placed her hands on his chest, pushing him away a little, his arms still around her.
"Dean...what are we? Like you're aways holding my hand, and flirting with me, and this," Jenna referenced the kiss, "And you make my heart want to jump out of it's chest everytime you touch me," she mumbled.

"Well...I want to be the one to protect you whenever you're in trouble. The one to tell you you're beautiful when you don't believe it yourself. The one to be there and comfort you when you have nightmares or are sad. The one that I share my pie with. The one that holds your hand and whispers sweet nothings into your ear. The one that wakes up next to you every morning. The one to make you laugh and smile. I want you. I want us to be together," Dean spoke.

Jenna's eyes started to tear up at Dean's beautiful words as she whispered a yes and pulled him back down to kiss him again.

"I told you! Jean is real!" Tori said to Sam as they looked out the window at the two.

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