Chapter 44

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The wedding was set for 2 weeks away. Gabriel was going to be able to conjure up a wedding, but the dress and other things had to be planned.

Jenna drove Tori over to a dress store in her Camaro to help her pick something out.
"Wow, I love them all! Jenna, I'm not gonna be able to pick one," Tori said, looking at the beautiful dresses.
"Just grab a bunch you like, and start trying them on," Jenna laughed.

They grabbed about 15 and went back to one of the dressing ones. Jenna waited outside and threw herself onto the fancy couch outside. The one worker gave Jenna a look of disapproval for her childish actions and told her it was un lady like.
"Yeah whatever, I'm the one paying you so please...carry on," Jenna smirked and shoed her away.

Tori quietly laughed, hearing the conversation before coming out in the first dress.
"What do ya think?"
"'s beautiful, but it's not you," Jenna thought.

Tori agreed and went back to try on a different dress. The next 7 dresses were the same, beautiful but not her. Jenna went back to look at more of the dresses to try and find something Tori would like. She ran her hands over the silky fabric, admiring all of the gorgeous dresses. After about 3 minutes, she pulled one dress off the rack and ran back to the dressing room.

"This one! Tori, I have found the one!" Jenna laughed, handing Tori the dress. Jenna went to go sit back down and Tori came out a few minutes later. The dress was strapless, completely white except for the dark green trim around the bottom, had some slight lace around the top, and had lace flowers on the back.

"This one! This is the one," Tori smiled and looked in the big mirrors.
"Yes definitely! We're getting that one," Jenna quickly nodded her head, approving of dress. Tori went back to change into her normal clothes and had the dress in her arms.

They went back to the store area and Tori noticed how Jenna looked at the dresses longingly.
"Ya know...the bridesmaid gets a dress too," Tori said looking over at the other section of smaller dresses. Jenna's face lit up as she ran over to the racks.

She found a dress that was turquoise, a white lace trim around the middle, and was short in the front, long in the back. She instantly loved the dress and went to try it on. It looked perfect and Tori agreed on it right away.

They went back to the register, setting the dresses on the counter. Jenna handed the lady a credit card and paid for the dresses. The worker put giant bags over the dresses and handed them to Tori and Jenna.

They drove over to a cake store to look for ideas of what Tori liked. Gabriel was going to conjure up the cake, but needed ideas of what to make. They looked through the book of pictures and Tori liked the giant white cake that had small green flowers and golden trim. Jenna took a picture with her phone to show Gabriel.

"What about food and stuff," Tori asked as they drove back to the bunker.
"Oh don't worry, I got that covered! Food's my specialty," Jenna laughed.
They got back and Tori took the dress to her room right away.
"Ooo what'd you get?" Gabriel asked her.
"No, you can't see it yet!" Tori smiled as she hung the dress in her closet.

"Hey babe, what's that?" Dean greeted her and pointed at her bag.
"Bridesmaid dress," Jenna smiled.
"Well someday, you'll be the bride," Dean smirked and gave her a quick kiss.

A few days later, the morning of the wedding arrived. Jenna didn't sleep all night because she wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her best friend. She knocked on Tori's door early in the morning.
"Get your lazy ass out of bed! Stuffs happening today," Jenna laughed, carrying a box.

Tori lazily crawled out of bed as Jenna pushed her in front of the bathroom mirror.
"Wait wait wait, are you sure you're qualified to do this?" Tori asked.
"I think I've watched enough YouTube videos last night to be qualified," Jenna smirked, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Tori sat back and let Jenna do her makeup. Jenna asked Cas to help with her hair to hold parts up and hand her things.
"What is this for?" Cas asked, holding up a bobby pin.
"That's a bobby pin, it helps keep hair in place...and I need one," Jenna took it from his hand.

When she was finished, Jenna huffed and looked at the final product. Tori had light makeup on her face and her hair was in a messy bun that had a few loose pieces.
"Jenna thank you! I love it!" Tori smiled at her reflection.
"Nice working with you ma'am," Jenna shook Tori's hand and walked away to get ready. Cas did the same thing and shook Tori's hand, thinking that's what he was supposed to do.

Gabriel was busy making a wedding while everyone got ready. Jenna changed into the blue dress and had half of her hair up and the rest hanging down.
"Jennnaaa!" Tori called.
Jenna moved away from the mirror and walked to Tori's room in her heels.

"I need you to tie the back," Tori pointed to the back of her dress. Jenna came over and helped properly close the back of dress.
"You look beautiful!" Jenna stood back, looking Tori up and down.
"Same to you," Tori smiled.

Jenna made sure Sam, Dean, Cas looked okay.
"Calm down," Dean laughed.
"It's gotta be perfect for her!" Jenna insisted. A few minutes later Gabriel appeared and told them that everything was ready. Tori was also finished and Gabriel zapped everyone to the wedding.

Tori was in a back room with Sam and everyone else was in the main part of the church. Gabriel called Balthazar to have him be the priest. It was a small wedding, but it was with the people that Tori loved. Jenna stood on one side and Dean and Cas stood on the other. Dean looked Jenna up and down and winked at her.

The church was lined with dark red roses and had golden chandeliers with flowers loosely handing from them.
"Are you ready?" Sam asked Tori.
"Uhh I think so. Do I look okay?" She asked.
"Tori you look beautiful," he smiled.

A few seconds later, Sam was walking Tori down the aisle towards her future husband. Gabriel had piano music playing in the background as he awaited Tori who held a bouquet of roses.

She let go of Sam's arm as he went to stand next to Dean and Tori stood in front of Gabriel.
"You look beautiful," he whispered in her ear.

Balthazar spoke up, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church. Uhh I'm not really qualified to do this, but you get the point," Balthazar smirked, " If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace...Gabriel do you take Tori to be your wife in marriage, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do," Gabriel smiled and held Tori's hands.

"Tori, do you take Gabriel to be your husband in marriage, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do" Tori smiled big.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Balthazar finished, stepping back. Everyone started to clap as Gabriel lightly pulled Tori by the waist and kissed her. She had her arms around him and kissed him back, smiling.

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