chapter 6

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Im staring  at the pregnancy  test in my hand, my other hand in my stomach. I can't  believe  it, a moment  of  my stupidity  and craziness  and im pregnant.
"Hey Ness are done there? " my friend and co worker Jane asked. We share an apartment and we go to work together. She was the one who give me shelter and the owner of the beauty  saloon that  I'm  working right  now. She was looking for some one to manage the shop and a boarder  at the same time. We live in a two bedroom apartment  at the top of the shop. She became my best friend  in three  months  time. What's  not to like her she was single  and older than me by five years she's  a mother hen to me. She was engaged  once but the man she love left her for her younger  sister. She told me that she left home and never come back. We have something  in common  thats why we understand  each other. But now I'm worried  can she still be my friend.
"Hey ness are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm  fine just a little  dizzy." I told her.
"Jane can we cancel  our plans for tonight.  I'm a little  tired and want to sleep early." Looking at the results  in my hand thinking  of ways to tell her.
"Oh okay" she replied.
"Ness you tell me if something  is bothering  you."
I know that she's will suspect  something. And she has this very sharp  instinct  that she tells me every  time.
"Hahaha you're  paranoid Jane. I'm  just tired." I laughed  as i go out from  the bathroom. She was looking at me thoroughly.
"I know something is up" she said. "You either  tell me now or I'll  find it out sooner  or later."
"I'm  pregnant " I whispered. I can't  stop the tears falling from my eyes.
"I'm pregnant  Jane and i don't  know what to do." Im starting  to have panic attack. "Hey Ness  calm down come sit here." Jane was guiding  me to the nearest  chair.
I started  to cry.
"It's  ok ness I'm here we'll  face this together." She said  to me. She embraced  me and I hug her back.
"Thank you jane i really  don't  know what to do. It only happen once i never imagine  that  it would  come to this."
"It's done so we better  not dwell on it. First we have to get you checked up and find if your having a healthy  pregnancy and you  need vitamins  for the baby. You're  keeping  it right?.
She asked  me as if I'm planning  to terminate  my pregnancy.
"Of course  I  will. This is still my baby."
I'm going  to be the best mom ever. I told myself, my baby will not go through  what I  been.

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