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So I lied...

"I don't know what happened...he just ran from me, towards the zombies, yelling and swinging the sword. I saw blood, but I don't know who or what from. He led the zombies away from us, away from Ray, Bert and I. I don't know if he survived. We were gone before I could check.

I went back, just to see what it was like, but it was deserted. He was nowhere to be seen.

I like to think that he survived. I like to think that it was he who eliminated the zombie virus, the one who saved us all. I like to think that he'll come back for me one day, but I know he won't. It's been too long.

But he appears in my dreams, tells me he's okay, tells me he loves me. I just wish I got the chance to tell him I love him too."

-Gerard Way, November 23rd, 2020.

We Can Run, Or We Can Die [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now