Brotherly Love

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This chapter contains things from book 8, Kings of Clonmel so if you have not read it yet, DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER.

We all know Ferris the "evil king". He's Halt's twin brother.

Halt has a twin.

Two Halts.

They were Hibernian princes! However, Halt was, like, one second older so he was the rightful heir to the throne...

But Mr. Shrimp-Poison wanted to be king so, guess what?


With shrimp.

Poisoned shrimp.

Anyway, Ferris was killed by a Genovesan at a gladiator fight and Halt just didn't know what to think. I mean, sure Halt was mad at him for trying to kill him but they were brothers, man!

A little brotherhood love wouldn't hurt.

Except now that he's in a band, he decides to sing a song in honor of Ferris.

That song is Viva la Vida, and if you've ever heard it, it really describes Ferris.

I came up with this in the car when the song came on the radio and I literally almost burst out crying.

So Halt has the only singing part for the whole song and he sings with his eyes closed...

Rest in peace, Ferris.

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