Punches. || Chapter 4

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| Calum's pov |
My phone dings.
Unknown number.
'Looks like Luke's a little upset, think he's going to hurt her?'
Attached is a video of Luke screaming and slamming his car wheel.
"Everything alright mate?"
I snap my head up to see Michael.
"Do you think Luke would hit someone?"
His head snaps up from his phone and he looks concerned.
"What? Who'd he hit?"
I shake my head.
"He hasn't, not yet anyway."
"Maybe we should go check on him?"
I nod my head.
We drive to Luke's.
"What if he hit her?"
Michael turns off the car.
"Well, I don't- I don't know."
We get out.
I take a deep breathe before knocking on the door.
Jen answers, an ice pack to her eye.
"Hey cal-"
I push past her.
Marching toward Luke sitting on the couch.
"Did you hit her!?"
I lift him up by his shirt.
He pushes me away from him.
I take a swing at him, and hit him straight in the nose.
"Are you fucking insane!? I didn't hit her!"
Jen throws herself between the two of us.
"Stop! Both of you stop! I fell okay! I hit my head off the bathroom counter! I'm fine!"
She faces Luke and takes his face into her hands.
"Let me see."
He moves his hands away.
"I think it's broken."
Michael comes up behind me.
He moves her hands away and pushes her to the side.
"Calum i should knock your teeth out."
"Both of you knock it off! We've got a bigger problem here!"
We all turn to Michael.
"Ashton thinks he found Emily's body."
Yay update! - Jen

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