Chapter Three

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"It's all yours," Lauren smiled.

The girl was wearing robes, but she didn't have her house colors yet. She looked too old to be a first year, but she'd clearly never been to Hogwarts. That, or she'd left her house robes at home. She had an American accent as well, much like Lauren, which was always peculiar at Hogwarts. Its doors were open to wizards of every race, gender, and ethnicity, from all over the world, but seeing as though it was situated deep within England, it was difficult for many American wizards to get there without picking up and moving all of their things like Lauren's family did. She'd never seen the girl at school before either.

"First year?" Lauren asked.

The girl nodded. "Well, first year at Hogwarts, seventh year at wizard school."

So she was a seventh year just like Lauren, but where had she come from?

"My parents are Muggles," she explained, but there wasn't a hint of disappointment in her tone like most wizards when admitting their parents were non-magic. "I went to Ilvermorny. I've gone there since I was eleven."

Lauren knew of Ilvermorny. It was a wizarding school, very similar to Hogwarts, in Massachusetts, United States. She'd heard her parents discussing it over drinks one evening, pondering over whether or not they should really pack up all their belongings and move five-thousand miles to London as opposed to a thousand to Boston.

"Why are you just now coming to Hogwarts? It's the best wizard school in the world."

"Yeah, that's why," the girl chuckled. "My parents were trying to keep me away from as much 'real' magic as they could. Of course, when they say 'real magic' they obviously mean dark magic."

"But Hogwarts doesn't teach dark magic," Lauren protested.

"No, but enough of it goes on that we don't know about," the girl shrugged. "At least, that we're not supposed to know about. So I've heard."

She had a glimmer of wonder in her deep brown eyes, like she knew something that perhaps Lauren didn't, but Lauren didn't question it. The girl extended her hand and Lauren took it eagerly. She could tell they were going to be good friends.

"Camila," the girl greeted. "Camila Cabello."

"Lauren Jauregui," Lauren nodded in return.

"I've heard of you!" Camila laughed. "You're the Gryffindor seeker, right?"

"Oh, yeah-"

"Man, I'm not even at Hogwarts yet and I can't wait to see you smash Slytherin at every match this year."

"Well, I don't know about that," Lauren dismissed modestly. "You don't like Slytherin?"

"Who does? I think that's why my parents didn't want me to come to Hogwarts until I was old enough to make my own decisions. They were worried I'd end up in Slytherin."

"Why would they think that?" Lauren wondered.

Lauren had only just met Camila and she could tell that the girl possessed more talent than she could possibly imagine. Camila was friendly and easy to talk to, not to mention clearly against Slytherin and their notoriously dark ways. It would have been a wonder to Lauren if Camila ended up anywhere besides Gryffindor when they reached the castle.

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