Chapter Eight

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Throughout the following week, things seemed to be relatively normal for Lauren and Camila- at least, as normal as things ever were at Hogwarts. By her third potions class, Snape seemed to realize that Lauren was going to turn up every day despite any strange occurrences, and he eventually stopped giving her dirty looks out of the corner of his eye.

Everyone in the Gryffindor dormitory slept well; there were no more strange whispers in the common room, no more Dementors roaming the hallways. Lauren began to wonder if everything that had happened her first two days back at school had just been mere coincidences, and by the time the second week of term rolled around and Quidditch practice was set to begin, Lauren wasn't even thinking about Snape- more, rather, about Camila.

The two were inseparable. Often, they found themselves flanked by Dinah, Normani, and Ally, but wherever Lauren went, Camila went too, and vice versa. All five friends sat together at breakfast on the second Monday back at school. Dinah was asking Lauren all about what she had planned for the upcoming Quidditch season, and between answers, Camila would teasingly poke Lauren's side until she handed over her bacon, despite the full plate of it right in front of the girls.

Lauren and Camila, along with Dinah, had extra fun in potions class that day. Snape had them mixing ingredients to create Amortentia, a love potion, and Camila was making it an extra point to rattle off as many jokes and cause as much trouble as she could without Snape noticing. Dinah was practically rolling out of her seat by Camila's third joke, and even though Lauren was telling her to knock it off, even she had trouble holding back laughter.

"You're going to get us caught," she warned.

Camila was poking around inside the cauldron as the potion boiled, using the tip of her finger to stir around the satiny, pink foam that was resting at the top of the concoction. She suddenly winced, having poked her finger too far into the boiling potion, and withdrew her hand, splashing the substance onto Lauren's textbook.

"Be careful!" Lauren scolded. "If you get that anywhere near your mouth you'll fall in love with the first person that looks at you, and since I'm sitting right next to you, it'll probably be me."

"Actually," Dinah cut in. "Amortentia doesn't create real love, just an unhealthy obsession that mimics love."

"What happens if you take it?" Camila wondered. "You're just going to be in love with one person for the rest of your life?"

"It usually wears off in a few hours," Dinah explained. "Sometimes it can last up to as much as three months depending on how much you take."

Lauren was giving Camila a stern look, but Camila had mischief written all over her expression.

"Everyone already thinks we're sneaking out to hook up thanks to Liam," Camila said, nudging Lauren's knee with her own. "What do you say we pocket some of this and give them a real show?"

"Absolutely not!" Lauren protested.

"What, are you embarrassed to be with me?" Camila joked.

"Sorry, but you're not my type," Lauren teased. "It's going to take a lot more than a love potion to get me to fall for you."

Camila laughed, but something in her expression seemed a little hurt. Lauren averted her gaze and stuck her nose back into her textbook. Camila had to know she was only joking, right?

"I am a little curious though," Camila continued. "What would it hurt if I just tried a little drop..."

Camila trailed off as Lauren squeezed the finished potion into little vials, not because she was out of jokes, but because professor Snape was standing over them now.

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