Chapter Fourteen

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The feast that night was one of magnificent proportions. The Great Hall was not only decorated in crimson and gold to celebrate Gryffindor's victory, but there was also a multitude of Halloween decorations throughout the room. Jack-o-lanterns hung suspended in mid-air by magic, twinkling purple lights lined the walls- which, upon further inspection, Lauren could see that they were not lights at all, but tiny, iridescent fairies- and the ghosts that haunted each floor were putting on quite a spectacular show for the students. Sir Nicholas was entertaining the Gryffindors, of course, by telling the story of how he'd nearly lost his head and then proceeding to almost pull it off for dramatic effect.

The tables held so much food that Lauren wasn't sure how they were still standing. Lauren alone had picked out a giant turkey leg, roasted potatoes, beef casserole, vegetable soup, two dinner rolls, and for dessert, a Pumpkin Pasty, Caramel Cobwebs, a Cauldron Cake, and of course, a Chocolate Frog. She'd already emptied three goblets of Pumpkin Fizz, as the match had increased her appetite tremendously, and cleared most of her plate.

Since Camila had not been mirroring Lauren's exact meals for a while now, she spent most of her dinner alternating between the turkey legs and various sweets laid about the table. She'd opened and eaten so many Chocolate Frogs already that she had enough trading cards in front of her to make a book. She and Lauren hadn't spoken much throughout dinner, but that was only because she had been trading wizard cards with Chris and Lauren was conversing with the Quidditch team, who decided last-minute to sit together.

Lauren suddenly remembered what Liam had said earlier about Quidditch tryouts on Sunday, and she tossed a pinch of her roll across the table at Dinah, who was clearly flirting with Lucas, to grab her attention.

"What?" Dinah groaned. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Judging by the looks of things, I imagine you'll be pretty busy later as well," Lauren teased, glancing suggestively between Dinah and Lucas. "Which is why I figured it would be best to talk to you now."

"Well what is it?" Dinah asked as she went pink in the cheeks.

"Quidditch tryouts," Lauren grinned. "Tomorrow, before dinner."

Dinah's eyes went wide and Camila suddenly whipped around, breaking her conversation with Chris to listen in.

"Wait, what?" Camila asked.

"Well, we're obviously short one player," Lauren said sadly. "We were lucky today, but Ravenclaw and Slytherin are hard to beat. We have to have a full team to pull through, so Liam is holding open tryouts-"

"For the position of Beater, I might add," Liam cut in. "It's a tough position, so unless you think you've got what it takes, don't bother showing up."

"Actually, Liam..." Chris said timidly.

It was the first time Lauren had ever heard Chris speak without confidence. Liam raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I was wondering...if I could switch to Beater," Chris requested. "I-I mean, I'm really good! I saved Lauren's ass today. If it weren't for me, she would have died and never caught that Snitch."

"You know, if you could have a little more faith in me, that would be great," Lauren laughed. "I have been avoiding Bludgers for six years."

"Whatever," Chris dismissed with a wave of his hand. "It wasn't just Lauren. Someone sent a Bludger straight for the end of Bea's broom and I caught it- I mean, actually caught it- with my bare hands, and...Normani was about to score a goal when one came her way. If I hadn't been there, we wouldn't have scored enough points to get ahead of Hufflepuff even if Lauren did get the Snitch."

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