Chapter 2

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I woke up maybe around 4 o' clock due to my mouth being dry. I got up and opened the door, seeing Levi working on papers.

'Should I walk out? I don't want to disturb him though..hmm'

"You can come out (Y/N). I know you're awake."

Damn it my cover was blown. I thought to myself.

"S-sorry..I was just going to get a glass of water if that's okay with you?" I stood there and waited for a response.

"Go ahead. Just don't break anything." And with that he went back to his work. I went to the kitchen and got a cup and poured myself some water. After that I sat down on the couch by his coffee table in silence as I drink my water..

Sheesh is he ever nice?

"Hey Levi. Can I ask you something?" I said as I looked into his eyes in a serious manner.

He stopped what he was doing and gave his full attention to me. "What is it brat." Yep he's rude alright.

I pushed aside his rudeness and asked what I was about to say. "Can you tell me a bit more about my role in this world, and the relationships I had with you and Hanji?"

He looked at me for a few minutes, thinking on what he was about to say. His eyes softened a bit as it looks like he went into a very deep thought, but turned back to his bored and concentrated look.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Right now you need your sleep. Go to bed and we'll discuss this with Hanji as well."

"O-okay." I took one last sip of my water and went straight to bed.


Morning came and me and Levi was eating breakfast until Hanji burst into the door.

"Shorty! Good news! I think I know how to get (Y/N) memory back.. Buuuuut we must speak to the red queen about this as well.." Hanji said as she walked her way toward us.

I finished eating my breakfast and looked at Levi to hear his response.

"Damn it shitty glasses I'm busy today. I'll meet with you guys when I'm finished with my work. Take her with you if you can." He finished his breakfast and looked at Hanji annoyed by the fact that she interrupted his peaceful morning.

I sighed and got up to clean my dish, when suddenly I tripped over the chair leg and started to fall foward. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to hit me again when I felt someone grab me by the waist.

"Tch, brat watch it next time you get up and walk without noticing your surroundings." He took my plate and stood me up. My cheeks burned a bit and I felt my heart race a tiny bit fast.

Wait why am I blushing?! Why the hell is my heart racing?

I was pulled out of my thought when Hanji grabbed my hand and started to take me out the room.

"See you later shorty!" Hanji said. And with that me and her we're both heading toward the Red Queens castle.


"So who's the Red Queen?" I asked as I walked beside Hanji to our destination.

"Her name is Mikasa. But she's very kind deep down. So don't worry you'll be fine!"

Dead Man Clan (Reader X Levi) AOTWhere stories live. Discover now