Chapter 3

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My face turned full red and as fast as I could, I ran to the bed and grabbed the bed sheets to put around me.

"LEVI IT WOULD BE NICE TO KNOCK NEXT TIME!" I said as I glared at him.

"Their was really nothing to see anyways so please keep it down." He said as he leaned against the doorway.

Hangi where are you?! This guy is really starting to piss me off.

We sat in awkward silence as i waited for Hanji to arrive. The worst part is he kept on glancing at me up and down. Yea so much for me not having anything to see huh?

"HEY! I got some extra clothing from the Red Queen! Put it on. Eh.. Levi can you get out for a few?" Hanji gave me the set of clothes and Levi just 'tched' at her and left the room and closed the door.

The dress was very beautiful and not too long. It went a little bit above the knees and was silky red that showed a bit of my curves. At the end had beautiful frills and was sown perfectly. I had long sleeves. Then I put on matching shoes and a beautiful bow for my head.

"Thank you Hanji!"

"Eh? Oh anytime (y/n). Anything for you. Oh let's go back to the tower and discuss some things okay?"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (squiggly lines!!! Ehhem sorry let's get back)

We arrived at the tower again and went inside. As we got in they all sat in their normal seats as I prepared some tea for the 3 of us. Hanji was ranting on about how the experiment went with me. I wish she wouldn't. That was highly dangerous and embarresing!

"And then she grew big and I guess it was because I accidently mixed something wrong! And-"

"H-Hanji I think that's enough it's embarrassing to talk about. Here's your tea..." I tried to change the subject since there's more serious things to talk about.

"Sorry (y/n)." Hanji said as she gave an apologetic smile to me.

"Anyways, I was wondering what my roles here are in Wonderland since I never got the chance to hear a response yesterday." They both looked at eachother and gave face signals that didn't look Pleasant.

"W-well (y/n) as you know you are and aren't like us. You've been here ever since you were a little child. You grew up with us. But then suddenly you didn't show up for quite some time and we didn't know what happened to you. But I've seen you in the woods being hunted down that one day and guided you back here, only to find out your memory was lost." Hanji said as she twirled her thumbs.

"That doesn't explain what I really am to this world or you guys." I was getting impatient.

"Look brat wanna know your role? Figure it out on your own. Tch, you can be so stubborn."

This Levi guy is pissing me off.

"You know what? Fine, I will. I'll find out what my role is alone, all by myself. Now if you excuse me I'm going for a walk." I got up and stomped out the door, all the way down the stairs, and stepped outside.

"That no good jerk is so rude I swear." I walked along a road that lead me to many directions.

"Great I'm lost. How do I find a way out of here?"

"Are you looking for a way out miss?"

I stopped and turned around only to be seen by a talking cat?

"U-um yes, yes I am. Can you guide me out of here please?" I can't believe I'm talking to a cat.

"(y/n)! It's been ages! It's me, Eren!"

W-wait who? Oh no I forgot, I don't know much people due to loss of memory.

"Hi Eren! Listen I really don't know who you are since I've lost my memory, but it would be nice if you can show me around the place so I won't be lost hehe."

"Yea! Sure thing. Anything for you (y/n). Just let me go to human form." And just like that, poof, he was half human with cat ears and a tail. I wanna feel his ears. Very... very tempting.... Dang it (y/n)! get ahold of yourself!!

As he turned to humanish.., he showed me around the place and what everyone's role in here was. Even though it was facinating, I hardly knew much of the people he told me. As we were done he took me downtown to a beautiful place where they're shops and fancy cafes.

Creepy part? The people had no faces. Other than that it was amazing.

"H-hey Eren, do you think you can take me back to the Tower? The night is peaking up here."

"Eh? Oh yea sure thing!" He's so happy and energetic like Hanji. I miss Hanji. I hope she's not mad at me from walking out like that. If Levi wasn't such a rude dung beetle maybe I wouldn't have.

We walked along and arrived at the Tower.

"See you later (y/n)! Get some rest so we can hang out more tomorrow!"

"I will! See you later." We parted ways and I headed up the stairs. The forever freaking stupid stairs.

I knocked on the door.

"State your name and business." Ugh

"It's (y/n). I'm back..."

He opened the door and yanked me in, slamming me on the wall.

"W-what is your problem?!"

"Don't ask what the hell my problem is. Where were you? Me and Hanji were worried sick because you didn't come back. Do you know what happens out here during the night? It's dangerous-"

"I was with Eren for your information. Let me go, I want to sleep." I pushed his hands off of me and all he did was 'tched' at me. I went into the room and changed into my night gown. I

All I wanted to do was get time by myself and this lunatic get all mad.

I guess I should have came back..

As I was drifting asleep I felt something wrap around my stomach. I was too tired to see who it was. So boom I went to bed.
A/N: SORRY IF I DIDNT UPDATE ;____; I had writers block but it's all good! I know where to take this plan to. Anyways, comment and vote if you want. Until next time my lovely readers (/*o*)/

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