Chapter 7

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A/N: slowly getting back to this. Sorry for such a long wait. I suck ik.


I was sitting beside Levi as he kept on doing his work. Honestly, he never takes a break unless he needs to eat or use the bathroom. I feel bad since he has so many responsibilities to take care of.

It was mid afternoon, and I started to look outside and see and hear the rain coming down. Wasn't really an exciting thing to wake up to, but for some odd reason, I enjoyed it.

"So Levi, would you like anything to eat?" I asked as I got up from my chair.

"Not at this moment (y/n). Maybe later. I have to finish my duties."

Here we go again.

"You know, you really need a break from all this work. How about me and you play a board game to get your mind off of all of that?"

"Now isn't the time. Go ask Hanji or Eren to do that please." And with that he continued back with his work.

I puffed out my cheeks and pouted. He's so grumpy. Anyways, I got a raincoat from a closet behind his desk, putting it on, and went outside to go to Hanji's place.

It was a peaceful walk. The rain was slowly lighting up. The flowers reached out to get much water as they can.

It took about 15 minutes to get to her house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. It then suddenly swings open.

"(Y/N)! So good to see you! Come, come in! Eren and I were just about to come and get you."

"Th-thank you. I'm glad you guys thought about me. I came because Levi is working on his duties."

I suddenly hear both of them snicker at the word 'duty'. Such kids.

We sat down for a while and started to chat. Mainly it was all about me and Levi.

I may think he's cute but I rather be by myself for a while and explore this world a bit more. Besides, I feel as if he would never particularly like me back in a way.

We played some board games and pin the tail on the rabbit. It was quite fun until Eren started to get pissed off and stabbed the rabbits eye with the needle.

I decided to walk home after all the fun and silly games. They wanted to tag along but I told them that I'll be okay.

But something felt off. I felt as if I was being watched.

"H-hello? Anyone there", I said as I looked around. No one came out. It was so silent that you can hear a pin drop.

I started to get a bit worried and nervous. I speed walk home, but as soon as I did it started to pour, slowly, then harder and harder.

My heart pounded. I ran as fast as I could but it felt like it was taking forever. I was about 15 feet away from Levi's house until I was covered with a towel to my nose.

"MMMMM!" I tried screaming but I couldn't say a single word. Blackness surrounded me. I couldn't stay awake.

That was the last time I saw This world.

Okay so I'm super sorry that I took forever to upload. I don't really like to say what's wrong with me because I feel as if I'm like attention seeking but I've been dealing with depression. It gotten pretty bad. But I decided to put it aside for a while and write a little chapter for you guys because it's been forever since I've updated.

I will post every weekend or weekday when I'm off. I've gotten into undertale so expect a book about that in the future for you guys.

As for now I'm still trying to catch up to everything. Thank you guys for waiting. Love you! ❤❤❤

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