8~Aloise Trancy

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Your Point Of View
- time skip two years your now 14 -

I yawned as I stretched out my sore muscles. I got up and looked around at the familiar (f/c) walls and four poster bed with white curtains pined to the oak posters. I pushed the (f/c) sheets with white lace covered doona off. I got up and put on one of my favourite knee long dresses and did my usual morning routine. I skipped down the hall to the dinning hall and sat down in my seat next to the queens seat. I waited no longer than five minutes until ash and the queen enter and sit, ash opposite me and the queen at the head of the table.

"(Y/n), the queens guard dog and the spider will be coming to stay at the palace for a couple of weeks. They will be in the suit opposite you so behave my little angle~" he purred to me making me nervously smile in return.

As I start to eat dainty portions of my breakfast. God I wish I could eat everything and not the stupid small amounts which are considered proper.

As we're eating one of the royal guards enters and stared playing a trumpet. Soon another guard enters with a young boy and his butler in toe. I looked up from my omelette and towards the door.

A boy with blond hair bounced throw with a girlish outfit on. His butler wore a simple black outfit with glasses. His eyes looking to me as lust covered his golden orbs. The boys sparkly blue eyes looked at me with a hint of pink dusting his features.

By this point ash was standing behind the queen do the little blonde boy could sit opposite me. He looked at me with a huge grin on his face. His butler behind him, emotionless. He extended his hand across the table to me.

"I'm Aloise trancy and this is my butler Claude. It's a pleasure to meet you miss." He smiled brightly.

"I'm (y/n)(l/n) it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the queens personal demon mythologist." I smiled at them as a look of fear slightly eched it's way on to both there faces.

"No need to look so scared, I'm not dangerous or anything I'm just a fourteen year old girl." I looked he looked at the table.

"Your the same age as me?" He said more like questioned.

-time skip of 40min of small talk with Aloise, Claude and the queen-

"I shall retire to my room, when the guard dog gets here let him in to sit with Aloise and (y/n)" the queen said as she stood and exited the room.

Not five minutes later the Guards entered playing their trumpets. Then he entered. My heart pounded against my chest, I thought it was going to jump out. I haven't seen him in two years. I missed you....


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